New baby favorites.

September 15, 2016


It feels like a whole new experience getting to have a baby girl again. Forgot how fun the little details of sugar and spice and everything nice are. As we settle into a family of 7, there is little I have been doing than holding babes, feeding, napping, and somehow getting them all dressed and fed;) I will have to write a post soon about the best things you can do for a new mother, because my friends and family have taught me some lessons in that the last few weeks!

These are a few items for wee ones that are either new or long time favorites:

Free Babes Bows – It is so hard to find bows that fit newborns, let alone premies! These little bow headbands from Free Babes fit Azelie perfectly. They have sailor bows as well for big sisters.

Blabla dreamcatcher mobile – Loved how plush this is, and it actually makes for a really sweet wall hanging!

Little Unicorn Security Blankets – Found these at SugarBoo and Co. They have the satin lining that my children love that are small enough to tote around everywhere. After my son Max attached himself to a queen size duvet, I figured I would jump the gun and force a mini size attachment blanket on Azelie;) This line also carries my favorite swaddles. *They are offering a 15% discount of your purchase with code IHOD15.

Munchkin latch bottles – I have written about these before. Still my favorite for newborn through toddlers.

Briar Bonnets – Purely for my own enjoyment. I can’t resist a baby in a bonnet! Briar carries the best prints in all sizes!

Alimrose mini doll – Veronica saved this doll for months to give the baby in case we had a girl. She has the large one. These are handmade and such good quality.

Pacifier Clip and Natursutten pacifiers – A winning combination. Azelie doesn’t use this yet, but Rocco is currently very attached to this combo! 

Seventh Generation shampoo and diaper cream – Can’t get over the scent. It’ll make your babies smell edible. The ingredients are safe and effective!

Ring Teether – My sister just started making these! These beads are the only type teether Rocco liked, and they are safe and easy to clean. You can email hertriciasimpson2 (at) to snag one for $14. She can make girl, boy, or gender neutral!

Sollybaby Wrap – Never have I needed a babywrap more! With a 14 month at my ankles and a newborn in need of mama time, this has been used to death these last few weeks! Dying to get my hands on their Rifle Paper Co design.

Sleep hat – My sister in law sent this gift and thought it was too cute not to share. Goes over their eyes, and had me laughing at the mini Audrey Hepburn sleep mask it resembles.

Any baby favorites you swear by? Happy almost weekend! 
*Artwork behind the items is by Max Wanger




Not sponsored by any of the above companies. Just genuinely love to support small businesses and share products that we appreciate!

Going clean routines.

September 14, 2016



This past year I have been slowly converting to I guess what you would call a clean freak. I read labels, watch all the documentaries, and read articles that help me become more aware of the products I am introducing to my kids. You can say it’s the mother bear in me. I don’t trust many brands these days for full disclosure so I try to read up on my own and ask the advice of friends and family who are also in the clean freak category. (wink wink) Everything from the contents of our medicine cabinets, cleaning supplies, fridge, and pantry have been evaluated. I still have a ways to go, but there are some simple things we have changed around here to move in the right direction. We have had such a good experience so far with the Seventh Generation products, that I knew I would have a similar experience with their new laundry detergent packs.


Mini Layered Naked Cakes

September 13, 2016


I am so thankful to the ever so lovely Leslie Musser of One Brass Fox  for guest posting today. She has an incredible eye for detail, and I thought these little cakes couldn’t be more fitting after the arrival of our little flower Azelie. I especially love that they are box mix easy. Read on for the easy how to and recipe for these mini layered naked cakes!


Bump Style Report

September 12, 2016




This was my last pregnancy style post scheduled to go up before Azelie made her early debut:) I looked at getting dressed with a baby bump as a challenge that sometimes defeated me, and other times was enjoyable to battle. This summer pregnancy was difficult to be honest, so wearing something fun was a good distraction on the waiting game.

These were a few of my favorite pieces that I have worn for the last few babes. A staple striped shirt, distressed maternity denim, trench coat (half price option), and nude heels (50% off)….that I wore for one hour before limping back into my flats with swollen feet;) 

I have been keeping it super simple with accessories. I find a few pieces I really like and and wear them on repeat. Lately it’s been this crescent pendant and bar necklace combo, with climber earrings. As far as handbags, this  Kate Spade Byrdie bag c/o goes with just about every look, is compact in size but spacious enough to fit all of the necessities. My favorite aspect is that it’s scratch resistant! (#canigetahalleluiah #canigetanamen) Here is another way I styled it.

Can’t believe we are midway through september and my little babe is here with us. Loved having her in the womb, but much happier having her in my arms. Have a great start to your week! 

September Desktop + iPhone Download

September 9, 2016


I’ve known Kori for a long time through blogging, and couldn’t wait to share with you some of her work with you all. She has created this illustrated/watercolor desktop and iphone wallpaper download for you all. We hope you enjoy! Be sure to check out the rest of her work on her website and instagram.


Click for September Desktop Download 

Click for September iPhone Download

Have a wonderful weekend! 

P. S. More download freebies here.



Style Swap Challenge: Living Room Makeover

September 6, 2016

Modern farmhouse living room


I had a few posts prepared to go up this week, so excited to be able to share those with you as I continue to re-coop from delivery! As you remember from our Dining Room reveal, I got to team up with my friend Lesley Graham for a style swap challenge with Home Decorators Collection. Today I finally get to unveil her living room overhaul! Lesley’s whole home is a dream. Built in the early 1900’s, her and her husband totally gutted and rebuilt the home to reflect the history and charm in deserved. I had such a fun time getting to dream up this modern farmhouse style living room with her, and felt so lucky to team up! All of the details are on the Home Depot Blog today.


Meeting little flower. (VIDEO)

September 6, 2016


I had a gut feeling from the moment I took the pregnancy test that this was going to be a little girl. Both Gabriel and Veronica had mentioned to me casually a few weeks before that there was a baby in my belly, and I laughed it off nervously. No way. Or so I thought. 

I grew up with 7 sisters and 3 brothers, so the diamonds that sisters are is no foreign concept to me. They have been my most loyal friends, supportive confidants, and examples I have looked up to throughout my childhood and adulthood. So when Veronica prayed for a baby sister, I would send up the same hope with her. I just wasn’t expecting it so soon. But Veronica knew! And with the earnest confidence that only children have, she informed me it was a sister when I told them the news that a baby was indeed on the way. Gabriel and Max agreed that “we had enough boys”, so they were rooting for a girl too. 

big bro


party of 7
Veronica and Azelie

I would have been so happy with either considering I just love babies in general, and know whoever came home with me would be just what was intended for our family. I have to say though, when we found out it was a girl, I cried tears of gratitude. There is nothing sweeter to witness than answered prayers. We held the surprise to ourselves for months until little Azelia Jane arrived. We captured a few moments on film of the day they met their new sister, and Chelsey Heidorn snapped these photos for us. Some moments you can’t let escape you, and this was one of them.

Thank you all so deeply for your warm welcome to Azelie Jane. I am blissfully exhausted and so richly full. Yes, life is chaotic and messy right now, but I have never felt more sure of where my two feet stand in life. This is home.

P.S. We found out after naming her, that the hebrew translation for Azelie is actually “flower” after all! I guess we should have saved ourselves the perplexing hunt, and just listened to Veronica from the start!

big brother

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