Bloglovin’ Awards Nomination (gasp!)

August 2, 2016

home office

I received an email this morning that In Honor of Design was nominated for “Best Home Decor” for the 2016 Bloglovin’ Awards. Honestly, I was shocked considering the other rockstar nominees (some of them friends of mine!), and I don’t consider myself an expert in interior design. So honored, and very thankful! I doubt I’ll be making it to NYC for the Awards Ceremony with a baby belly ready to pop, but thought I’d at least announce the nomination, and show you all where you can vote for IHOD:) You can vote once a day, but honestly you taking the time to vote once is more than I can ask! I so appreciate the support. Still feel like I am holding on to my helmet along for the joy ride!




P.S. Fun fact: this photo they used for the nomination page was taken by Chelsey Heidorn of a home office I put together with not even bothering to hide the overflowing bucket of children’s books to my right;)

As I send you off to school

August 1, 2016

raising wild


Sending our children off to school. Something we all experience in different ways across the globe, and what I would call an unspoken solidarity in parenthood!

I’ve tried to write this post a few times, and would get choked up within the first few sentences. Don’t worry, after a very long week with my four energizer bunnies, I don’t think I will be getting choked up about back to school week any longer. I  think I may in fact welcome the normal routine and regular schedule with open and enthusiastic arms! However, it doesn’t change the same hesitations, worries, and anxious thoughts that are trying so hard to fight their way to the front of my mind as I send my children off to school. VIEW FULL POST

Backyard Movie Night

July 29, 2016

otudoor movie bar cart

We never thought we’d have so much space in our backyard, so we have been making the most of it this summer. Last night we set up an outdoor cinema since the only escape from the heat is after the sun goes down! Being in sore need of a date with all of our babysitters in town we decided to haul living room and patio pieces to set up a backyard movie night. VIEW FULL POST

Healthy Breakfast Idea: Oat Bowls

July 27, 2016

healthy breakfast idea: oat bowls
Over the weekend we needed a good detox from a week of takeout and sweets, so we press reset and went back to our healthy breakfast goals. The way I have found that gets everyone to eat a good bowl of oats? Lay out the toppings before them to build your own bowl! Every one of my children were licking the bottoms of the bowls which had me shocked to be honest and resolving to do this more often. VIEW FULL POST

A Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Birthday

July 25, 2016

first birthdays

Our little Rocco Samuel turns one this week so we had a crew of family and friends over to celebrate this Very Hungry Caterpillar’s first birthday. Like each of my children’s birthdays, they are always bittersweet for me. Letting go of the babyhood phase of their life and accepting that outside of your control, they are growing faster than you can grasp. Rocco has been healing balm for some very tough days for me this year, and so it is especially hard to swallow that he is already one. Gabriel, Veronica, and Max were so excited to celebrate their baby brother’s birthday that it motivated me to make it a fun theme for all of them. He may not remember the little details, but for me it is just a part of celebrating his irreplaceable life. Here are a few snaps I was able to get during party chaos!  VIEW FULL POST

Splurge vs. Save Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Guide + Gift Cards Giveaway!

July 22, 2016

In Honor of Design


I always hold out on purchases till the really good sales come around. Since the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is now open to the public today, I wanted to share which items I think are worth the buy (if you can get them before they sell out – holy toledo), and which are worth the splurge or save. This is the sale that is actually a season ahead so instead of summer items you can actually get jazzed about the cooler temps around the corner. If I am being honest with myself, they are way further around the corner here in Atlanta than I’d like, but let’s pretend.  VIEW FULL POST

Transitional Style Pieces with Trunk Club

July 20, 2016

striped dress - suede booties (Topshop dress, Rag & Bone booties, Clare V. Handbag)


topshop dress | pregnancy style

pregnancy style

A few weeks ago I received my first ever Trunk Club Women box on the front door step. Audible squeals were heard over every item inside. I have never gotten to work with a stylist before, and this experience proved that I certainly have been missing out. Since I only online shop these days, I am usually gambling with sizes and quality. Often times, I just don’t have the time to sit down and browse for just the right dress or look for that upcoming occasion.


white and grey white on white
white and silver

(Paige denim jeans, Rag & Bone jacket, Karen Walker Sunnies, Sarto Sandals)


I was paired with the sweetest stylist Amanda, who asked me some personal style questions and got all of my sizes over the phone. I was hoping she could help me find some pieces that would work well now during pregnancy as well as after. A trunk club stylist selects pieces based on your preferences, and finds options from a good variety of brands in varying price points. I was so impressed with the items Amanda chose for me. She sent both maternity and non-maternity items that could work with my sizes, and they interchanged really well.

summer style
(Madewell Dress, Karen Walker Sunnies)

SO thankful for the hours of time she saved me from looking for options during this busy time of my life, and for making me feel like a million bucks in the process. I love that instead of being a subscription service, you can just request a box as often as you need or for any occasion you need help with. I also love that you just mail back any pieces you won’t be using or weren’t a good fit.
bed layout
transitional style pieces
I’m looking forward to using Trunk Club for my continued post-baby style needs, as that is a time when it is as tough to get time to shop as it is to find pieces that you feel beautiful in. What a difference a good outfit can make during that transition time. Now deciding on which items to keep is a whole other battle.

P.S. They have five clubhouses, located in Chicago, New York, LA, Dallas and DC if you are lucky enough to live near one! Otherwise, there is the online service trunk service to women throughout the continental US.  You have 10 days to try everything on. Shipping is always free both ways, and you’ll only pay for items you keep. Pretty savvy, huh?


Thank you Trunk Club for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

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