Rey Swimwear Giveaway

May 17, 2016


I have the hardest time finding good swimsuits. I want them sturdy enough to ride beach waves or swim with my little ones, but flattering to an ever changing figure;) It seems that most one pieces these days are designed to give you a wedgie or have your boobs fall out upwards or sideways. Am I right? Someone please explain this to me! I know not every girl desires to bare it all at the beach, so thank goodness for smart designers like Jessica of Rey Swimwear. She keeps the femininity of a woman in mind when she designs her swimwear, and the outcome is a stylish and timeless option. Also, please go check out the options for minis! Veronica has this suit and she asks to wear it even if it is rainy outside. Bless her.

summer babe

Rey Swimwear is so kindly offering to give away a swimsuit to one of you, so enter away below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Best of luck! We will draw a winner next Tuesday! (*My swimsuit is the Regina, Sunglasses, and Hat from Gigi Pip.)

Strawberry Watermelon Sorbet

May 16, 2016

strawberry watermelon sorbet
With the higher temps starting to take a stay, I’ve been craving cold and sweet. This Strawberry Watermelon Sorbet is a sugar-free, healthy treat to whip up for snack or after dinner that yields a good amount of icey goodness! Of course, the seedless watermelons make for a fun serving dish if you are feeling extra snazzy. Enjoy! Recipe as follows..

Our Suave Beauty Video Reveal

May 13, 2016


Remember our NYC trip a few months back? I can finally share what we were up there for! We were able to team up with Suave to film a few videos for their new Suave Gold Coconut Oil Infusion Collection. It was a really cool experience (even though it was out of my comfort zone!), and I love that I got to do something unique with Veronica to look back on. She was so funny to watch because she definitely is not camera shy! She still gabs today about all the things she remembers about the trip (like how she got her nails painted and got to have yummy snacks….you know, important details!). They even blared the Mary Poppins soundtrack for her to help her feel at home. Here are some of the behind the scenes photos of the filming days.. VIEW FULL POST

How on earth do you miss that you’re pregnant for two months?

May 12, 2016

 20 weeks


Back in January I suddenly got smacked with light headedness, nausea, and fatigue. You think this would give me some insight into the familiar territory of pregnancy. Nope. Instead I assumed something was wrong, made a doctor appointment, canceled it, and self-diagnosed myself with anemia….which was in fact true. It was also true that I was pregnant, and hadn’t the slightest idea. Maybe it didn’t cross my mind because I was in denial or maybe because I just blamed it on the lack of sleep and demanding breastfeeding schedule. I am usually very on top of what is going on in my fertility and cycle, so it honestly never crossed my mind until…. VIEW FULL POST

Readers weigh in: How do you rejuvenate?

May 11, 2016

morning ritual


What is your favorite way to rejuvenate? I asked this question over on instagram, and the responses were so creative, humorous, and intriguing that it had me ready to change up my normal routine! I had to share a few of them here, and continue the conversation! Would love to hear your additional ideas.  VIEW FULL POST

31 Dresses No.8: Bell Sleeves

May 9, 2016

off the shoulder summer dress


Dress: Option 1 or Option 2 // Sandals // Fringe Tote // Sunglasses


Wanted to thank you all so very much for the kind words and congrats over our 5th baby chic announcement. I wish you knew how incredibly uplifting that was for me. I guess you know now why I put the 31 Dress series on hold, and why I have been debating what to do with the series. To be honest, putting your evolving pregnancy body on display doesn’t sound appealing to me, but I do want to share the dresses I find that make me feel comfortable and care free…because what a difference that can make when you are carrying a baby, right? So maybe I won’t hit 31 dresses this year, but I will post a few looks along the way this pregnancy. Sound good? VIEW FULL POST

Packing Organization Tips for Family Travel

May 6, 2016

  (Escape Canvas bag, Steamline luggage (use code IHOD10 for 10% off), Vintage suitcase, Market Tote, Nena and Co Tote)

Today I find it quite humorous that we pack the same amount now for a weekend away with four children than when we did with one. I am sure it was because I didn’t know what to expect and if there is room in the car, I WILL fill it. 😉  As we have grown as a family, I have learned a few tricks here and there that have helped tremendously for being prepared for the “just in case” scenarios without overdoing it as well as realize the freedom in minimal packing! I tried to snap the process to break it down. I’m always up for hearing additional packing organization tips for family travel.


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