Nutella Hot Chocolate with Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows

January 16, 2016

If it has the word Nutella in it, I don’t really need to be convinced any further. Thank you Abbey of The Butter Half for today’s winter recipe!
Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows with Nutella Hot Chocolate



31 Dresses: No. 2

January 14, 2016

lavender dress

Dress  // similar sweater  // Boots c/o (on sale) // Hat 

I want to live a life….

where I put a tap to the tree and drain every last drop of the goodness that it held.
That I stop and listen to the hard days, and learn from the parables they held.
That I am grateful during the brighter days.
That I always seek truth over acceptance.
I want a life where my children remember my smile over my frown.
Where they see me transform into a better mother, wife, and friend because of their existence.
I want to live a life where I end the days with an overdose of I love you’s and ask for forgivenesses, than regrets of withholding them.
I want a life that revels in the wonder of God’s majesty in the stillness of silence, the faces of strangers, and even in the chaos of the unknown.
I want to live a life that is ready to accept the end whenever it comes, because I have truly LIVED.

…Written at some morning hour of the new year.

Featured Items:

Photos by Morgan Blake.

15 Best Free Travel Apps

January 13, 2016

15 best free travel apps

I am not really a big ‘apps for everything in life’ kind of gal, but when it comes to travel, I graciously bow down to the genius travel app designers who have saved my tail on numerous occasions. This is a list of handy apps to have on hand when you are in a pinch or just need to find the best travel deals or places to eat…


Winter days around here + GIVEAWAY

January 11, 2016



The days get pretty chilly here in January and February so I have to have a bunch of ideas up my sleeve when my little ones get antsy. I actually love when all my babes are home with nowhere to go. If we have a snowy or rainy winter day indoors, I’ll put on the record player, bring out all the blankets and let them build forts in different rooms. It becomes a place they read books or play bandits in, and if Veronica is lucky, play house. I also pull out all the art supplies from our art cabinet for play dough, painting, coloring, etc. This keeps my older ones entertained for hours.


Series launch: 31 Dresses.

January 8, 2016

31 Dresses

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive;
and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
-Maya Angelou


Flare sleeve


Today starts the new style series! I tend to look for a little substance behind most things I do because really, it’s the only way I will stay motivated. This year I wanted to share a topic in fashion that would be a good resource for those of you who come to visit each week. It’s also my nod to the art of getting dressed.

I get asked most often where to find the right dresses for the right occasion, so this is my series to answer the question! 31 dresses. The number will be a challenge but a fun one as I seek out dresses that fit my guidelines of feminine, tasteful, stylish, and versatile pieces that are well made and a benefit to your closet. 
bell sleeve dress
So here is Dress One, the bell sleeve fit and flare dress I found at Altar’d State. Head to their store and see if you can find this feminine frock to add to your closet when you need that dress for any occasion (I got it half price)! There are some similar ones you can find at asos.

I hope you enjoy this series, and I look forward to the hunt, and saving you the work! Here is a video that is pretty good depiction how style has changed over the years. And as much as I love a pair of distressed denim and a tee, there is something to be said about the dress, and what it can do for a gal. So cheers to the dress, and the confidence that can come with it.

All Photos by Morgan Blake

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5 Quick Tips for Making Travel Affordable.

January 7, 2016

 5 tips for more affordable travel


Raleigh art museum


We took our first family trips in 2015, and had (knock on wood) good experiences. It wasn’t until recently that we have been able to travel much more than just to see family. Gabe and I both love traveling and introducing new places and experiences to our children. Keep in mind, we never had much to spare for travel in the beginning of our marriage, and our first trip without our little ones was this one for our 6th anniversary! Blogging has brought more opportunities for travel now, but I don’t think it has to be expensive to see the world around you. These are just a few ideas that have helped us make family travel possible… VIEW FULL POST

Time to adjust the sails. Blog direction for 2016.

January 6, 2016

Raise your hand if you had a sloowww start to 2016. Insert emphatic wave.  I took my head out of the Christmas high clouds, looked around and wanted to stick my head back in, but the flu x 5 decided to drag me down to reality. However, I needed the extra slow to think through and write down more concrete intentions for my family and I in 2016.  Gabe and I have plans to sit down and make small and large goals for ourselves and our little family in all areas. Not particularly action items like exercise more or travel to x, but more get- to- the- root- of- happiness goals like more structure and less clutter in all realms. I will dive into some of these through the year in topics of health, family, etc.

baby boys


There will also be some changes in blog content! Every year I fine comb through the topics and direction of this space, adjust it’s sails and move forward with anticipation for the new year. This go around, I would love your feedback as well as to what you would like to see more of! 


Home and design posts – I just shared on instagram that we will (hopefully) buying our first home this year! We are finally ready to plant roots, and I would love to share the process along the way including some home renovations. In the meantime I will continue to share projects around our rental home. Also, it appears this is one of you reader’s favorite topics as well!

New style series being revealed this week! – It was a little tough keeping up with the Buildable Wardrobe posts, and I am still learning a good deal about the whole ethically made journey and where to buy clothes from. So I am putting that series aside for now , but I promise the new series will  be a good one!

Travel – With four little ones travel is a whole new kind of GOAL that I am setting my mind to. Even if we just explore locally or to visit family, it is something Gabe and I want to keep up because it is a fun way to broaden horizons and beat the winter blues! Will be sharing travel topics along the way!

Life/motherhood Topics – Writing takes a whole lot of energy for me, although I never regret it once it’s done. I look back on some of the posts I have written through the sun and rain and I am thankful for them to re-visit. I also think it is important to connect with you all on the real stuff and not just the design and style projects that tend to stay on the shinier side of life. Vocabulary seems to be a lost art these days so I am going to attempt to keep my mind sharp and push myself to write once a week.

Beauty/ Health – This is tough for me to carve time for, because I am uber low maintenance on this topic. However, I like a challenge, and one of the biggest is to take care of myself. So I will occasionally be sharing hair/make-up/skin care finds that I am convinced are worthy of a share;)

I have some awesome Food contributors that I hope can still share a good recipe here and there. I wish I could share more Biz Tips posts and DIYs, but trying to narrow down my focus and these didn’t quite make the cut. Home DIY’s might still make appearances. 

And I am sure you have noticed the new blog look! I am so thankful to Brandi of Maiden Sites for implementing the new look and making all my requests happen . We are still tweaking here and there, and will be developing the shop section soon, but I hope it makes it easier to navigate. I’ll be sharing occasional surprise content just for IHOD insiders this year so be sure to sign up!

Feel free to comment or email us with any suggestions you have for the new year. I am so grateful to each of you who take the time to read, comment, and be a part of this space. It makes me want to do high kicks. And maybe skip…

Okay I think that is all for now. Cheers to the fresh start!

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