My home “office” rotates rooms and atmospheres depending on the day, but more consistently it’s this corner of my room. Someday we may have a dedicated office space, but for now this cozy spot is a great place for me to write, design, and pound out emails when I need to.
Coming up for air on the other side of a whirlwind month. Moves are intense! As soon as we got into our new home it felt like an immediate sigh of relief. We made it. I snapped some iphone photos before we hauled all of the boxes in, so sharing a tour of our new old home! As well as how we found it.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hive Home. The opinions and text are my own.
Remember how we took steps to make our home more economical a few months ago? We took the next step on our goal list this month, and made it more secure and safe!
Gabe by nature is more cautious about keeping the home secure, and I on the other hand always forget to lock the door before leaving the house. Anyone else? It’s just not on my mind as much I guess. When we travel, Gabe is always anxious to get back and make sure everything is ok. I on the other hand have left my car running with the keys inside while going into the post office, and have also left the front door ajar after leaving the house to pick up the kids from school. (Both unintentionally.) So you can imagine the grey hairs I am surely causing him to grow.
The Hive View security camera just launched a few weeks ago, so we were able to set it up and test it out. We synced it with our Hive app so that whenever we are out of the home we are able to easily check in on our home from the mobile device. I can only imagine the peace of mind this is going to bring when we are out of the home now. One of it’s best features? It starts recording when it detects motion in the room, and sends a notification to your phone! (You can even set it to detect only people and ignore pets.)
I have addressed the topic of balance multiple times here on IHOD, and think it is something that is ever evolving for me! If you want to go even deeper on some of the points we address today there is a post I wrote about Time Management Hacks. I receive the most questions on this topic but feel limited in my ability to offer advice as my situation may be very different from the next person’s. I thought I would have my communication manager Megan weigh in with me today because she is super skilled on organization. In fact, she wouldn’t mind being a professional organizer for a living! Here are a few questions we have answered on organization for the home + business in hopes of helping those of you who are juggling both right now. VIEW FULL POST
We close on our house one week from today. ONE WEEK! It feels so surreal to even type those words because for a long time, we never thought buying a home seemed within reach. We still wait with bated breath to truly celebrate with keys in hand, but as it’s looking, we are in good shape for closing date. This process of buying a home and waiting for closing has not been without it’s stressful days and sleepless nights, as we are about to commit our life’s savings to a piece of property. Although we have perpetual butterflies of anticipation of seeing this reality on the horizon; to grow some roots in a little place with our children and call it home is exciting! As we currently drown in packing tape and boxes, I thought it would be good to share a little back story and some factors that help us in committing to the right home… VIEW FULL POST
We only have about 6 weeks left in our rental home, and leave it to me to wait till the last stretch to finally finish the entryway + office makeover. As you remember, we re-finished a flea market dresser, and I refinished this $3 desk to unify the two into one longer piece. We painted our walls grey, used a deep blue grey paint for the furniture, and gold finishes for the drawer pulls… VIEW FULL POST
Since I work from home, I have to have be pretty self disciplined with time management. (A look into our day to day schedule here. Need to update that soon!) I would usually rather take a nap when my little ones are napping, but that is the time I make things happen. Sooo, the next best thing is to make your work space inviting. If it is visually attractive, I don’t mind pulling up a chair and getting to it. This goes without saying it is rarely in perfect order – I’ve got a messy artist mind and lots of busy toddler hands around;) I change up the space often with different photos or artwork, and always a fresh notepad.
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