As the saying goes…
“Sugar and Spice and everything nice,
that’s what little girls are made of.
Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails,
that’s what little boys are made of.”
Although I may beg to differ on that everything nice bit now that I have a wild girl of my own…
Everyone should have a piñata at their party at some point in their life, even if its for Cinco de Mayo! I mean, I could go for one on my next birthday without a problem. Since Gabriel and Veronica had their zoo animal birthday party together, I needed to stuff it full of things that they both would love (as well as the party goers) and that was preferrably sugar free. That is when I consulted the world of twitter….where all questions can be sent into the void in hopes of a returning wise answer. This time, there were some grand ones. So thanks friends for the fun ideas!
What we stuffed in Mr. Lion…
Lizards, dinos, frog figures
Car Stickers
Mini baseballs for the pool
Squids for the pool
Bouncy balloons
Bouncy Balloons
Toy Whistles
Additional ideas:
Mini Play-do packs
Mini crayon packs
Most of these were found at Target and the Dollar Tree. Lion piñata was purchased here.
Easy enough right? This was a big hit with the kids and it was fun for the adults to watch their little attempts to slay the poor lion..
Veronica’s favorite part of her party were the animal balloons…she didn’t want to put the pig down. Originally spotted these on pinterest from a UK company but found another version on Amazon. Unfortunately, the Animal Shaped Beach Balls
I ordered to fill the yard with didn’t come in on time. We survived…;)
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Winner of the Waiting on Martha Giveaway announced here!