16 Goals by Guest Jen Lula

July 5, 2013

I met Jen through blogland this year, and ALMOST had the chance to meet her in NYC before miss noreaster crashed our party. Jen is the cutest gal in town with the two cutest kids on the block. You instantly wish they were your next door neighbors. Love this girl! So thankful to her for taking over for the day and sharing her parenting goals. Its gotten me thinking! …
Hi IHOD Readers!
It’s Jen from Jenloveskev! I am super excited for Anna as they welcome their new bundle of joy into the world.  In January our second daughter Finley was born. What a blessing she has been to our family. I’ve loved becoming a Mom of two little girls. Recently, I decided I wanted to write out some parenting goals for our family. I thought I would share a few of those with you today…

1. I want to be spontaneous and easygoing, with enough structure though that will give them the security they need.
2. I want to be able to instill in them a passion for life.
3. i want to teach them to have good manners and be polite.
4. I want to play outside with them a lot.
5. I want them to hear more music than TV.
6. I don’t want them to remember me on my phone/computer all the time.
7. I want to pick up and go places with them on a whim.
8. I don’t always want to worry about schedules or making messes.
9. I want our house to be filled with laughter and love.
10. I want to create situations where they can use their imaginations as much as possible.
11. I want to lead by example. I want to be a good role model for them.
12. I want them to know there is no limit to what they can accomplish.
13. I want to teach them to be kind to others and have a generous heart.
14. I want our family to always be adventurous and value the importance of seeing new things.
15. I want to teach them to value and respect each other as siblings and us as their parents.
16. I want them to know they can dream big and we will be there no matter what to support them.

Have you ever written out parenting goals for your family?

Jen – Jenloveskev

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  • I am not a parent yet nor have plans to have one soon. But I really find this post helpful and mind-opener, and will definitely try this… in time. 🙂

    xx The Expert Dreamer

  • Love this! I’ve thought them and prayed them but never actually sat down to write them down on paper. BTW…I also have 2 girls and little girls are so much fun, aren’t they?? Yours are adorable!!!

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