Readers weigh in: How do you rejuvenate?

May 11, 2016

morning ritual


What is your favorite way to rejuvenate? I asked this question over on instagram, and the responses were so creative, humorous, and intriguing that it had me ready to change up my normal routine! I had to share a few of them here, and continue the conversation! Would love to hear your additional ideas. 

“A bath with mint and eucalyptus, a book, and something fizzy to sip on.”

“Thrift shopping alone with coffee in hand.”

“Hot hot bubble bath, cold white wine, with food network showing me more things I can’t cook.”

“An at home manicure followed by lying in bed with a book, turning the pages ever so carefully for the nails’ sake of course.”

“Eating take out in bed with Netflix.”

“Waking up before everyone else in my house and having 15 minutes of quiet time and coffee!”

“Running long and hard outdoors followed by a hot shower and cold protein smoothie.”

“Quality time with sisters.”

“Car windows down, Indigo Girls playing on the radio, and a big sweet tea. Immediately takes me back to my college years and I feel young and free!”

“Getting out of the house with my man for some good food, drinks, and conversation!”

“A good night of sleep followed by 6am pilates and a tasty coffee from the local cafe.”

“A nice evening with my favorite girlfriends, full of great conversation or a quiet few hours of spiritual reading and journaling.”

“45 minutes of complete silence.”

“Nothing is better than a good snug: my husband or my mini muffin.”

“Ice water facials in the morning, with some hot apple cider vinegar to wake up the senses.”

“Lighting a candle and reading a good book in bed.”

“Ruuuuuning! I used to hate running but suddenly I crave it. My dad told me he dreams of running, be since he’s older he has to wait till heaven to be able to run again. So I thought I should stop wasting the time I have left to actually USE my body, and give it a try. Now it is how I stay sane!”

“Rearranging my living space to get a new appreciation for the things I have collected over the years. It makes you feel like you can start fresh with everything in your life.”



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  • I second the lighting a candle and reading a good book! For me, I also would add walking (preferably barefoot) outside under the trees or sitting on the grass under the sunshine. Also, playing chess or another board game with my husband. So, so peaceful and relaxing!

  • Coffee on my screen porch before everyone else is up.

  • Love these! I second many of them. That comment about the dad who dreams of running….wow! Puts thing in perspective.

  • Thank you for this! I feel rejuvenated just by reading these, ha. 🙂

  • Quiet early mornings. Hard sweaty runs. Sunny bike rides. Laughter with friends. Time with my husband.
    Different things that all rejuvenate me.

  • Oh man, I second all of those!! The thrift shopping alone with coffee in hand is my ultimate fantasy!!

  • To rejuvenate, I have to get out of the house and away from all the digital stuff! I love going out on a run to the local park and then just sitting under a tree for a few minutes, closing my eyes, enjoying the shade and the breeze and maybe doing a little daydreaming. Afterwards, I always feel so much better!

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