A love story.

February 6, 2017


My grandmother passed away a few days ago, and although we knew it would be coming soon, I feel like a part of me has gone with her. I already shared their story on social media, but I want to write it here to have a place to go back to it often when I want to share their lives with my children. It is a story that deserves it’s own book, but for now a short summary….

December, 1941. If only the street photographer knew what this picture of my grandparents and their first born would mean to their 13 children and grandchildren. An image that sums up their devotion to each other and to their family.

My grandfather came from a Spanish family, and worked through the Great Depression as a young boy serving soup to long lines of hungry people. After meeting Lucia when he was 25, they were married in a small chapel in San Antonio, TX. He built their first home with his own two hands. To take a new job he bravely moved his spanish speaking family to an all english speaking town in Kentucky. He not only had an incredible gift of making guitars, but he could sing to them and play them beautifully. He could carve imagery into leather and was a gifted ceramicist. He was skilled at making something remarkable out of nothing. He was as fit as a fiddle, and could even ride a bicycle at 90 yrs of age.

My grandma cooked for him every day of their marriage, and showed her love for all who walked through her kitchen through the best Hispanic food you ever tasted in your life. She had quite a hat collection, was a fierce and fiery protector of those she loved, and never turned down an opportunity to dance with her husband. The two of them never missed a Sunday mass, and lived their faith through actions, and few words. 

They are my ultimate example of a rich marriage and abundant life. In their 74 years of marriage, they always had very little, but gave everything they had to those who were lucky enough to sit at their table. They took their humble beginnings, and weaved it into a tapestry of golden threads. My grandma Lucia left this earth a few days ago. I can only imagine the welcome dance Pedro has waiting for her at St. Peter’s gate in heaven. I share their story with you because it is one that offers contagious joy. The greatest love story I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing.


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  • This story made my morning. What a beautiful kind of love to focus on this Valentine’s Day–the giving, day in, day out, servant-hearted kind of love. Thank you for sharing!

  • Anna, thank you for sharing this beautiful story of a great love.

  • What beautiful lives! Thinking of you with sympathy.

  • Beautiful, what a blessing to share their legacy with us. My condolences for your loss Anna, but clearly Heaven’s gain.

  • My heart goes out to you and your family, Anna. May God comfort you and bring you peace. Thanks for sharing such a dear photo of your grandparents and telling us about the sweet bond they shared.

  • Thank you for this story, such an inspiration and awesome dose of encouragement. Thoughts and prayers for you and your loved ones!

  • Spanish and Hispanic are not synonyms. To be Spanish means to hail from Spain. Hispanics hail from Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. While many Hispanics speak Spanish, the language they speak does not define their ethnicity. This is akin to a Virginian being called American and not English. So, unless your grandfather’s family came straight from Spain, Spanish was just the language he spoke, but from your description it sounds as if he was a Hispanic man, dearest.
    Either way, Peace to you and yours during this difficult human time. Joy to your heart as it knows your grandmother is now living eternal life and sowing riches beyond imagination! 🙂

    • Hi Viv,
      I am sure you mean well. I actually know the difference between the two. My grandfather’s family is from Spain. My grandmother has both Spanish and Mexican blood which is why I used both terms.
      Thanks for the condolences,

      • Yes, surely I did not mean to imply you do not know your own family’s lineage, just that perhaps they vocabulary was being used incorrectly. Given that is not the case, I stand corrected, and beg your pardon. Be blessed!

  • Simply beautiful.

  • What a beautiful story of love and devotion. I’m so sorry for your loss and wish your family peace and condolences.

  • I’m so sorry for your loss, Anna. How blessed you have been your entire life to have such wonderful pillars of faith holding you up in prayer and love. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Pat Schwab

    Anna, So sorry for your loss. I still miss my Grandmothers and have so many questions I would love to ask them and my dad. My Grandpa came over from England. I have always wanted to know why he didn’t use the art scholarship or ever play the organ or piano but he is long gone and nobody knows the answers. What a beautiful love story and lives well lived. My dad had all of his family photos after my aunt passed and I never got to see them due to his wife who probably threw them out when he died. If you have any questions for your parents now is the time to ask. My girlfriend’s son did the coolest project when he was in school. He recorded his grandma who answered all kinds of questions for his school project. Hugs, Pat S

  • This is such a beautiful tribute to their life together! I can’t get enough of hearing of long lasting love stories. What a honor for you to have been able to witness such strong Grandparents and what a true marriage that lasts thru time looks like. I’m so sorry for your loss and the hurt your feeling. Thank you for sharing their story with us.
    P.s. That picture is such a gem! Brought tears to my eyes, you can just feel the love and happiness from them both like you’re there with them! I have created a wall in my office of black and white photos of family in their youthful years as kind of a tribute of my own. Kinda obsessed with old pictures ❤️

    So again Thank You for letting us in to such a beautiful part of your life, praying for you and your family. ?? God bless!

    • Shauna, what a kind note to read. Thank you so much. It’s so hard to let go of the ones we love the most, but there is relief knowing she can rest in the arms of her Creator now:) I love old family photos too. Reminds you where you came from and where we should be focused on. x

  • Kelly Schardt

    I am so sorry for your loss! Hugs and prayers to you and your family!

  • What a beautiful love story and their lives should be celebrated! I pray for the true peace of the Lord fills up your heart. I am certain that they both are smiling from Heaven! Take care!

  • […] wrote a very touching post about her grandparent’s love story after her grandfather’s passing. that kind of love is rare these days it seems, and her […]

  • […] has felt very heavy lately as you already know from this recent post and a recent loss. However, my marriage continues to uphold me in the most difficult days. We make mistakes often and […]

  • Oh my god this made me cry and cry. It is so beautiful so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing this so eloquently too ??

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