A rainbow baby on the way…

February 11, 2019

Tomorrow I will be 9 weeks along with our rainbow baby. Feels surreal to share that with you all, as I wasn’t sure if I would get another chance to have another little one. Our children were hoping and praying for a new baby for a long time now, and it was one of the best surprises to share with them! This video we took was right after we told them the news. Veronica said she “wanted to cry because she was so happy.” Me too baby girl, me too.

I feel so grateful for my 5 children, and I knew even if our family would never grow again, I would have felt at peace. I always keep close to my heart women who have lost a baby (or several), and I am acutely aware of all those who are struggling to conceive. I know will never have the answers to why this happens to good people, but I will always believe God never intended that kind of pain for this world, and can bring good even from our deepest sorrows. Losing a baby left a hole in my heart, and getting the opportunity to carry another life is something I will always feel undeserving of! All I have is immense gratitude. (A rainbow baby is the term that is used for a baby that comes after a miscarriage.) We cannot wait to find out who God intended for our family. It’s going to be a loooong hot Atlanta summer as we wait! Answering a few q’s below…

Due Date? September 18th (Azelie was due September 29th and came exactly a month early! Hoping we make it to September this time around.)

When did you find out? My cycle was late in January and although that has happened before I woke up with a flash of nausea one night, and just immediately knew. The pregnancy test confirmed it the next day.

How did you tell Gabe? My first few babies I was a little more creative with how to tell Gabe, but this time around I was a tad impatient. I basically waited just a few hours after taking the pregnancy test. Ha! We got the kids down for bed, and he brought out a big bottle of moscato (the only wine I can drink), champagne, and snacks as we turned on The Office. He poured me a glss, and I basically had to flat out tell him then. “Uh, Gabe. I can’t exactly drink this wine…”

Are you going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl? Haven’t decided yet, but if we do, it will be kept a secret between Gabe and I till the baby is born. Surprising the kids when they visit the hospital room is some of the best moments in life.

How have you been feeling? When I was pregnant with Cecilia I was pretty exhausted and nauseous, so I feel pretty lucky that right now I’m a little tired, but not bad. I feel pretty icky at night, but it’s manageable. To be honest, I welcome the feeling knowing it means the baby is healthy.

Pregnancy cravings? Not really which is unusual for me! I’m always down for fries, pickles, or ice cream though;)

Do you have names ready? The next day after I told Gabe we were expecting, we went out on a date and he said “So I’ve been thinking about names….” I was like, “Already?!” Ha! I love that about him. We already decided on the boy name, but girl names are tough! We have about 5 we really like!

I cannot to hold a little newborn again. Of course I have moments of feeling overwhelmed, and how will we be able to adjust to another. I just know as I learned with Azelie, it will all be as it should. I have never shared a pregnancy sooner than 12 weeks, but this time around I wanted to share the joy no matter how long this baby is with us. I know having a larger family today is uncommon, and even rubs people’s feathers the wrong way, but I have found you all to be such a warm hearted community. Gabe and I are grateful for that! I know I say it often, but once again, thank you for the love and support you have showed our family.

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  • Oh my goodness Oh my goodness!! What an absolutely beautiful surprise! I am one of 6 (I’m 16 and in the middle) and having a big family is sooo special. Even though it’s not always popular. “Are those really all yours??” lol. I love how you cherish and see each new life as so very special. I remember reading your post about your miscarriage and for some reason that hit me hard. I had such a heart for you and experienced this sorrow over the next couple day that I can’t explain. I actually showed my Mom your post and she got teary reading it (she had a miscarriage also, after the youngest). You were very much in my prayers. I have so much joy for you guys and am so grateful for God’s blessings. Also, excited to hear the name you choose! We do Saint names also (I’m after St. Catherine of Siena ;)). Praying for a healthy pregnancy!

    • Cait, this was so incredibly sweet to read. Thank you so much for the love and support of our family. It really means so much! I can’t wait to see who this little baby is. x

  • I am so THRILLED for you!! I remember weeping on my way to the first appointments with my rainbow baby. She’s four now and we have a bond that can’t even be explained. What an incredible blessing from God.

    • I have been pretty weepy lately. I know in many ways the babe we lost taught me so much, and brought me to this place of being able to receive a new life with so much gratitude and peace.

  • Elizabeth Lewis

    Congratulations!! <3

  • Congrats to you guys! What joy! … We love our rainbow baby.. is pregnancy and newborn stage was approached with such a new sense of wonder and gratitude after our losses.. God Bless!

  • We had our own rainbow baby join our family last June, and so I have a special place in my heart for those babies who come after miscarriages. Motherhood is the most amazing (and hardest) thing, and as a recent follower of your blog, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your positive and uplifting views on motherhood, especially on having a large family! We’re hoping to have at least 4 to 5 kids, and it’s always reassuring for me to read blogs by women who have that many, because it reminds me that everything really does work out! Congratulations on your pregnancy, and I wish your family all the best.

    • This really moves me to tears. Thank you Torrie. Motherhood has stretched me and chellenged me in so many ways, and there are days that I don’t think I have what it takes. I know big families aren’t for everyone, and I sometimes can’t believe I am actually responsible for 6 children! However, each of them have impacted my life in such big ways, that it would be impossible to ever describe. Their lives are such an honor to be a part of.

  • Yay!!!! I am so happy for you. I saw the word “rainbow” and almost started crying. There’s nothing better than telling the older siblings and seeing the love and joy they have for new life.

  • What wonderful news!! Congrats! We welcomed our rainbow baby two years ago and it was glorious. Surrounding you and this little soul with prayers.

  • Congratulations! What a happy thing to read today. Hoping your pregnancy is smooth sailing. Big families are unusual these days, but it’s nice to see kids with so many siblings. My sister-in-law has had six children in 9 years and their family is one big, noisy, cute bundle of love and my kids just love spending time with their cousins! Wishing you all the very best for number 6!

  • Monica Beauchamp

    Oh Anna, I’m SO happy for you all! I’ve been following you guys since almost the beginning of IHOD, and your faith and family witness are just so so beautiful. SO many prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery!


  • Angela Myers

    I’m just so thrilled for your family. I pray everyday for a baby/family of my own. But, due to multiple/complicated circumstances (I have cancer) that most likely will not happen. But hear about and watching Gods plan in action it gives me a large amount of comfort and strength. God bless you and this wonderful new addition. Love, Angela

  • Truly so happy for you guys! Cannot wait to continue following along on your journey.

  • Amazing news for your family! My husband had an excel spreadsheet of names made up an hour after we heard our first round of IVF worked! Meanwhile our third baby didn’t have a name until day 2! Congrats you guys!

  • Yeah! Congratulations to you and your sweet family! I wish you a healthy pregnancy and birth.

  • Anita A Grajo

    So thrilled to hear the wonderful news. Keeping your little one and the family in our prayers!

  • Congratulations! So happy for you guys!!! This really resonated with me as I am also pregnant with my 6th, who is also a rainbow baby (and I have a 2 year old named Zellie:)

  • You guys are ADORABLE!! I love Veronica’s answers. And this baby is so lucky to be born into your family. We have a September 17th babe (who is now a giant, 20-year old, engaged man!), but that’s a special day!

  • What a beautiful video that you all will cherish for years and years to come!! I had tears watching it. Congratulations lady. A gift for sure!

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Prayers for the sweet little babe and momma! Can’t wait to follow the progress 🙂

  • I am so happy for you! I’m 18 weeks pregnant and last week I had a scare. The midwife couldn’t find the heartbeat. It was the longest 45 minutes of my life and until I heard the most beautiful sound I could ever imagine. I cannot imagine how happy you and Gabe must be.

  • Congratulations to you all! You have such a beautiful family, thanks for sharing with us!

  • So excited for you!!! Dying to know the names haha I’m pregnant with our 4th and at 7 months we have 0 names! Love all of your kiddos names!!

  • SO happy for you and your fam!! <3 pregnant with #6 myself, and looking forward to embracing more chaos!! 🙂

    • Sasha, it’s always encouraging for me to hear from other mothers of big families because it is so rare these days. Thank you! Congrats to you as well!

  • Oh I’m just so happy for your family! I’ve been in awe of your vulnerability in your loss and your vulnerability in sharing the joy. Your love and gratitude of each life the Lord has given you is so amazing and such a witness. Thank you!!

  • Rebecca Millette

    Aww, congratulations! We lost baby twins last year just a little before you lost your little one. Now, I’m going on 13 weeks pregnant (#4 for us) and I can see the joy in our family mirrored in yours. Thanks for being so open to life and sharing it with us! Prayers for you and your little one!

  • Marianne Stuart

    As #3 of 14 and mama of 8, CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for your family!

  • Congrats!! I have two rainbow babies (now 4.5
    And 7), and even years later, I’m still getting happy tears for you because I know what a miracle these babies are. ALL babies are miracles, but after having had four miscarriages, I don’t take these healthy babies for granted and am even more aware of what a miracle life is! Thanks for letting us experience your joys and sorrows with you!

  • Congratulations to you all. It’s a blessing to be able to watch your family grow and read how you guys manage everything & everyone!

  • Nancy Palmer

    Gosh Anna, I’m reading this Sunday morning when the sun is shining for the first time in many days. My daffodils are peeping up and everything seems possible. I feel such joy for you and Gabe. One of my favorite sayings these days is “There is no resurrection without the cross and there is no cross without resurrection’. Congratulations ?

  • Pat Schwab

    Anna, What a blessing for your family. My son was born on September 18th but was due in August. Pat S

  • Stephanie O'Rourke

    Then Kate is our “rainbow baby”. Two miscarriages before her and she is our miracle baby for sure. Not such a baby anymore, 15 now.
    Congratulations to you and Gabe!

  • Gabe, Anna, Gabriel, Veronica, Max, Rocco, & Azelie

    Oh my heart!!! Congratulations!!! I got the chills watching your video & I was teary eyed through the whole thing! So amazing! God is SO SO good!!!
    My Mom had a miscarriage a couple years ago, & it was very hard. But a year after that we welcomed our own rainbow baby Elizabeth Ann. She is such a beautiful blessing!!! I just marvel at the promises of the Lord!

    God Bless you all,

    P.S. I love Gabriel’s suggestion for the name Mary! I speak from experience, & it’s a great name!! 😉

  • Oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS!!! We have a big family too and there’s nothing better! And we have two precious rainbow babies as well and there’s such an added tenderness to those two after experiencing loss and grief. Can’t wait for you to meet this lil one! Your icing on the cake! Celebrating with you and for you and over you! So happy for your whole family! ?

  • Oh my gosh!! I am so, so happy for you!! Hubby and I are still hoping for one, so I can’t even wrap my head around 6! You are amazing and God is always so amazing!

  • […] Our rainbow baby was due in January. Of course, we kept this fragile news to ourselves for a while. […]

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