Thanks for bearing with us as we navigate lots of changes in our lives! I couldn’t let this week go by without sharing some fun Easter basket ideas. We keep it pretty simple and sweet around here, but I know things can start feeling redundant after several Easters with 5 kiddos of different ages, so I’m pushing myself beyond sidewalk chalk this year;) Here are 20 Easter Basket ideas …

Basket goodies for all ages:
Little gardeners set
Little garden gloves
Silly putty eggs
Little Biscuits Dress Me Notepads – my kids have LOVED these!
Cuddle and Kind Animals – Such a good cause behind these. With a purchase of every animal doll, 10 meals are purchased for children in need.
Mini flashlights
Butterfly Nets
Little birdhouse paint kit
Wooden and leather jumprope
Melamine spoons and forks in fun colors
Card games for kids (for Max)
Fishing tackle box gear (for Gabriel)

For baby:
Knitted Sheep Blanket – I love this company! Non-profit that supports employment in Nicaragua. The sweetest thick knitted blankets.
Plain Jane sleeper set
Bunny ear teether
Pastel silicone bead teethers
Little board books
Paci clip
Mini headbands or bowties

Easter/Spring time Book ideas for boys and girls:
My very favorite books for kids are Usborne because they are educational. Most of these are Usborne and I linked them through my friend Natalie! You’ll have to let me know how you like them.
Easter Bunny flap book (toddler)
Are You There Little Bunny (toddler)
Peter Rabbit Set (toddler)
We are the Gardeners (3 and up)
Step by step drawing book (4 and up)
Animals Magic Painting book (5 and up)
Easter Love Letters from God(5 and up – this is such a beautiful faith based book!)
Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way (7 and up)
1000 Things in Nature
199 Birds (my son loves to bird watch!)
This is another fun family party set if you are hosting Easter that day to use! I love this day. It’s a day of celebrating and rejoicing in our family, and I already can’t wait for the big backyard easter egg hunt!
Hope these ideas are helpful!