Baby announcement .GIF + Recently Said

February 14, 2015


This was going to be our original baby announcement, but we were in sore need of family pictures, so we went with those! I love this little .gif though, because it captures their personalities and scrumptious ages so well. We shot this in one take, with no instructions but to tug on that balloon string and keep walking;) Max obliged with a toothbursh in his mouth.

Happy St. Valentine’s Day from our family to yours!

P.S. A few conversations we have had lately about the baby:
Gabriel: How does the baby get food in there?
Me: Well, whenever mommy eats, the baby gets some of the food through a tube in my stomach.
Gabriel: And when the baby comes out, will it eat milk from the bottles on your stomach like Max did?

Veronica: When am I gonna have a baby in my belly like you mama?
Me and Gabe swallow our laughs: Not until you are at least 25.

Max: (Continues to bottle feed everything with eyes we have in the house.)

Gabriel: So if you keep eating, your belly will grow and grow mom?
Me: Yep.
Gabriel: Well you better keep eating so that baby can come out!
Me: Don’t worry son, I am really good at eating.

Veronica: Mama you are gonna have lots of babies!
Me: (Wipe sweaty brow) What?! I am only having one baby honey.
Veronica: No, you are having a girl baby for me, and more babies for Gabriel and Max.
Me: Mmmkay. One at a time.

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Original baby announcement post here. (Photo by Moe Blake)

Ethically Made Jewelry Favorites

February 13, 2015

Ethically Made Jewelry

To continue the #ConsciousClosets series, I wanted to share the jewelry I have narrowed down my hoard to! I used to be a big and bold accessories girl (all my college pictures involve big earrings…), and I still love to put bold pieces on for special occasions, but I would consider myself a minimal jewelry wearer now. I am not sure what changed, maybe it’s my perspective on style and the belief we don’t need much to reveal authentic beauty. Although it might have to do more with a busy particular toddler.

I used to just pick up jewelry at F21, because you can’t beat $5.80 for a necklace…but then I started to question how all this cheap jewelry was made. Not to mention it would tarnish less than a month later. I really value the designers behind ethically made jewelry, and realize it is a better investment in pieces that will last forever. I wear these pieces with everything. Sometimes solo or sometimes layered. There are SO many good companies, but here are a few favorites. Will update as I go!

Velina Jewelry
Padgett Hoke
Gold and Gray
Mes Petites Etoiles
Kendra Scott
The Shine Project
Crafts and Love
Moorea Seal
Shop Soko (Thanks for the rec Bien Faire!)
Rose and Fitzgerald
31 Bits
Kluster Shop

The jewelry dishes are from The Object Enthusiast. What are some of your favorites?
I’d love to check them out!
Happy Valentine’s Day weekend!
xoxo, Anna

P.S. Building a closet from scratch part one and two.

XOXO Valentine’s Day Doughnut Recipe

February 11, 2015

XOXO Doughnut Recipe } In Honor of DesignTic Tac Toe Valentine's Day Doughnuts
I totally admit one of my favorite things about Valentine’s Day is the baked goods. (And darn those red gumdrop hearts! Get me every time in the store.) These are actually doughnuts you don’t have to fry! I made these similar to biscuits (just sweeter!) so you could cut out any shapes you like and bake them in the oven. Bake a batch enough to play Tic Tac Toe, winner eats all (wink wink)!

You can make this Valentine’s Day doughnut recipe most likely with ingredients you have on hand. Gift them to a co-worker, sister, friend, or bake them with your little chefs! (Veronica and Gabriel LOVED being able to cut out the shapes for these:)) Head over to Inspired by This for the guest post and recipe!


*Gold Flatware is from West Elm

A Fourth Heartbeat.

February 10, 2015

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A fourth heartbeat. A new life! Due at the beginning of August, 2015.

It is still hard to wrap my mind around as I type those words, and yet I have never felt more peace and deep happiness than at this time in my life. I think this time around, I realize just what a miracle it is to conceive, carry, and deliver. I realize how sacred that heartbeat sound is at those ultrasounds. I feel like I can finally grasp the depth of this gift to be a mother, and I am so anxious to meet this little one inside of me. It is a funny thing, because this baby wasn’t “planned” according to Gabe and I, but I know without a doubt this baby is a life God has sent just for us. 

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I had three friends tell me they were pregnant right in a row and something inside me stirred. An instinct mixed with a desire to hold another little one. I had no idea I myself was pregnant, but would find out a few days later. I was a little shocked, it was a little overwhelming, but I was flooded with peace. I knew this life, just like every life, already had a purpose. This baby would be the next miracle to join our family, and all I could think about was how I couldn’t wait to tell the kids. I am lucky enough to be married to a hunk , who loves children as much as I do, and he welcomed the news with so much love and support. 

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When Gabe and I started our family, we decided not to set a number to how many we would have, or decide how many were too much or too little. We would simply take one baby at a time, and keep an open mind and heart to the incredible gift of bringing life into the world. My childhood involved a pack of sisters and brothers who filled my life with the best memories, and continue to be a support system I could not imagine life without. I am thankful to my parents for giving me that, and I only hoped my little ones would experience it on some level. 

Not every person is meant to have multiple children, and I don’t believe there is a perfect family size.  The only perfect I seek is the family God hoped for us. Thanks for all of your kind words and support! I look forward to sharing a little peek into this adventure with you!

With love,
Gabe, Anna, Gabriel, Veronica, Max, and Baby #4 (Gender to be revealed on delivery day!)

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

A special thanks to Morgan Blake for taking these photos!

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How to create strong and clear photos for Instagram.

February 9, 2015

A Step by Step Guide to Editing your Instagram photos
{Photo by Kathryn McCrary}

One of my goals this year is to share more helpful content to you all. I usually give a small walk through on creating strong instagram content and photos during The Brand Market workshops, because it is one of the most common questions I receive!

Processed with VSCOcam with f1 preset {Before and Afters using VSCO Cam}

I finally worked through an easy step by step guide for how to create strong and clear photos for instagram. I just use my iphone 5c and almost always edit through the VSCO app. There are several apps you can use to edit your photos, but this is the one I feel like has the best options since it was created by photographers themselves! It can be a little daunting if you haven’t used it before, but I think it has the best range of editing tools and filters. You can create drastically better instagram photos just through the tool editing bar. However, if you like the effects of filters, I downloaded the all in one pack for $5 in the VSCO store (within the app), and I mainly use those!

Establishing your own style and themes of content are always helpful in how you gage photo editing. I also ALWAYS use natural light. It drastically improves the quality of a photo!

The step by step guide is a little lengthy, so I attached all images and text after you click through at the bottom of the post. Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comment section!

I’d be happy to continue more topics in this series if you would like!I hope this is helpful to you all!
x, Anna

Step by Step Guide to Improving your Instagram photos after the jump!  VIEW FULL POST

Valentine’s Day Gift Guides – Tic Tac Toe

February 5, 2015

Valentine gifts for her
From top left to right: Waterbottle // 360 Studs // Mac Lips // Chanel Blush // Blush Dress // Audrey Hepburn // Capri Candl // You are my person // Instax camera

Little miss valentine
From top left to right: Heart Tee // Striped Bonnet // Bonjour Pillow // Heart Glasses // Dotty Dress // Mommy and Me nail polish // Cupcake Set // DIY Kids Playdough // Half Dot Garland

Some Tic Tac Toe Valentine’s Day Gift Guides for you all! A few of my favorites found around the web for the ladies and the little miss! Tried to keep almost everything under $50 too:) I have always loved Valentine’s Day even before boys came along. It was something my family My family would use it as an excuse to write each other notes and leave our friends sweets. Still something I can totally get on board with. And of course, I wouldn’t mind if Gabe happened to see this post and surprise his girls…..(waving hi!).

We usually just make the kids a special breakfast (like heart waffles!), pass out some cards, and Gabe and I go on a date to celebrate the eve of his birthday:) I don’t think you ever need an excuse to express your love to your family, but I am always game for a theme!

x, Anna

Who delivered those??

February 4, 2015

vases full of rosesI have had a few occasions that called for ordering flowers this year already. It can get so pricey to have flowers delivered, so was swept away by The Bouqs prices and bouquets. I couldn’t get over how many flowers the medium size came with. Filled three vases! This particular bunch was called Desperado. Thought I would pass the hint along for the gents, and for you ladies to pass along to your best guys and girls! I think they do events, weddings, and business events too! Gabe got a little suspicious brow when he walked in the door yesterday. Who delivered those?? Don’t worry babe, just the mailman!

It’s the month of suave and secrets after all!

x, Anna

P.S. Valentine’s Day gift guides coming soon!
P.S.S. Vases via West Elm

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