Advent detox. (And a playlist!)

December 8, 2014

DIY Boxwood Wreath via Poppytalk
(Hoping to tackle this project on Poppytalk!)

Gabe always asks me in the weeks leading up to Christmas day if I want to open up my one of my gifts early. I am ALWAYS tempted, but the answer is always the same. It would take the fun away from the actual day of Christmas! He waits all year for this holiday, so I don’t blame him, and I often feel like a little kid who wants to peek through the wrapping paper to find out what is inside while no one is looking.

I am learning with each year, that the peace Christmas promises has to be fought for.  Every time the temptations come to unwrap the party early, to buy, eat, shop, or be merry, I have to ask myself if it will actually make room for more peace, and less chaos. I don’t want to fall for the traps this year of the fancy bells and wrapping. I know you can fill yourself full of all very good things, but there is no room left for the great things. The things you cannot quite verbally describe but fill your body and soul with an unearthly joy. That joy that beamed out of a humble stable on that first Christmas over 2000 years ago…

I guess this is why it is more quiet than usual on the blog and social media these days. Just trying to make room for inner renewal, and make as much time as possible to encourage  more purpose filled traditions in my little family.

Here are a few concrete ways we are trying to make this happen this year. An advent detox of sorts;)

1) I said no to Christmas cards. Gasp! I know, its horrible. But they are always a challenge for me to organize every year, and get them out the door. Going to find alternative ways to keep in touch with family and friends this year. 

2) Kept my calendar clean. Hustle and bustle is so easy to slip into. I had such a whirlwind year that I decided to keep my calendar free and take each day as it came. No commitments, but a true effort to do what was best for my family each day instead of the month turning into a string of events. We have many things we want or hope to do this, but keeping only the most important as a priority and the rest can come as it may.

3) Minimal shopping – Gabe and I LOVE to give gifts, and usually bite off more than we can chew with who we want to give gifts to. We decided that instead of spending all the time running errands, standing in line, and shopping online for gifts, we would keep the list very minimal, BAKE gifts,  and use the rest of the money for our favorite charities and spontaneous giving. (This has already brought us some incredible experiences!)

4) Saving the best Christmas movies/music for last. My personal favorites like It’s A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Bishop’s Wife, etc. always deliver the Christmas spirit on a platter for me, and so I am trying oh so hard to save the best for the last week before Christmas, and the 12 days after.

5) Service. We hope that starting the tradition to serve our community, neighbors, family, etc. will become something our children look forward to. We looked into different opportunities in surrounding areas, and found places to volunteer and donate items or time. When Gabe and I first started dating, we met a very lonely women in meager circumstances who we would visit each week just so she had someone to laugh at her jokes and make sure she was okay. I think there are so many people who just need to know they are loved. This is my goal for not only in the coming weeks, but for the coming year. To let people know they are valued.

6) Reading. I don’t ever take time to read anymore and I am a former bookworm. Words move and shake me like only music can, so I am setting aside time each morning to read Ann Voskamp’s The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas, and it has been such a good way to keep me focused. The book for little ones is what we take excerpts from for the kids each night to help connect the dots for them about what Christmas is truly about.

Would love to hear some of the ways to add to this list! How do you all serve your community, or what projects you do for friends and family to give around this time of year? Leaving you all with an advent playlist with songs that are great for this preparation time for the 12 days of Christmas:) Any I should add to the playlist?

24 Merry Days: Dot & Bo Giveaway!

December 3, 2014

24 Merry Days Giveaway | IHOD

Welcome new friends and old! I have been anxiously waiting to announce and share what we have in store today as part of the 24 Merry Days giveaway! I am a girl who loves to throw a good party for family or friends,so it is only appropriate to give away a Dot & Bo BAR CART + $100 to spend on bar cart accessories! Just in time for Christmas and New Year too, eh? Cannot wait to see who wins this. Enter via the rafflecopter widget below, and then hop on over to the 24 Merry Days website or facebook page to see what giveaway to enter next. Every day a new blogger will reveal a new prize and believe me, they are all equally incredible. Best of luck to each of you:)
x, Anna

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway open to US residents only, but don’t worry, international prizes coming all month long!

How to Style Emerald in Your Home.

December 2, 2014

Emerald TubEmerald Walls // Yellow Door
(Image Sources)

Ohhh how I love good rich color in a home. I am currently working on integrating more bold colors into our own home, so working on this post had me dreaming up ways to work in a velvet emerald couch or striking emerald walls.

So excited to be posting over at the Interior Collective with several ideas of how to style emerald in your home. I hope you enjoy it! See you over there:)

P.S. Come back tomorrow for the huge giveaway reveal!

Where I am shopping before my spending freeze!

December 1, 2014

red pants

I managed to avoid the temptations of black Friday shopping, but figured I better take advantage of the sales today and get the shopping done for a deal! Spending freeze for December starts tomorrow;)

J.Crew – 30% off Sitewide – and think the buffalo throw is a must for Gabe:)

Anthropologie – Their entire gift section is bonkers, but what really got me? This baby knit santa cap🙂 (20% off sitewide and additional 25% off sale )

Waiting on Martha –  10% off $25 (Details on site) – I have a few of her bar cart essentials like this antler bottle opener.

Madewell rarely runs this kind of a sale so the 25% off sitewide had me snag this three pack and dotted pouch for friends.

I’ve been waiting for an excuse to snag some 360 studs so thank you Bauble Bar (20% off sitewide with code: CYBER20)

My girl Cori is having 15% off her Dress Corilynn line with code: CYBER15

We are ALMOST done with our dining room makeover, and you can currently get the bar cart, vases, and place settings on sale for 10%-20% off at West Elm! I have been waiting to pick up this felt garland for the kids room:)

Waiting to snag that pair of booties? Piperlime’s Sale is maje.

Support my friend Michelle’s shop (part of proceeds benefit adoption and other good causes), Transforming Beauty. She is having daily deals! My boys have this tee and it’s a personal favorite.

What am I missing? Leave your favorite deals in the comment section!


Making room..

December 1, 2014


“Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for.” – Unknown

As I think I have mentioned already, this is a season of rest for me. After plowing through the year at full speed, I made every effort to keep my November and December calendar minimal, and allowing that richness of silence, peace, and tradition fill our home. I have already felt more alive these past few weeks than any other time this year. Less busy, less doing, and more room for slow days. I realize this is not always going to be an option, and I am grateful for this time. My hope is that my little ones remember their childhood Christmases as a time of excitement of anticipation, creative service, and an easy happiness….

Moose and Pop

Since today is the first day of advent, Gabe and I were talking about ways to start good habits with our kids, so we are working ideas into the advent calendar. Do you all have any good advent calendar ideas? I love making new ones and hopefully will get to share ours soon.


I was reading the meaning of the word advent and was wowed by how strong and simple it is:
Advent: “The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important.”
Isn’t that beautiful? It makes the purpose of these next 25 days stand out so clear to me. It’s really difficult for me not to jump right into the celebrating and blare Joy to the World, bake one dozen too many cookies, and get lost in wrapping paper and holiday dresses. But, the “preparation of something really important” is a total mind set change. I am awaiting the celebration of the birth of the King of kings in a humble stable!

IMG_2466-2little boys

What are your advent traditions?? I would love to hear. 

These photos are from our Thanksgiving trip to Nashville with my sister’s family. It was such a good time to have with them, and see my little ones get time with their cousins who they love so much! A few places that we got to visit while we were there: Cheekwood mansion and Christmas activities, Grand Ole Opry Hotel Christmas lights (a fun date night with my sister and brother-in-law), and Barista Parlor coffee house – magnificent.

Hope you all had a marvelous Thanksgiving. Wishing you a peace filled advent season!
x, Anna



24 Merry Days Giveaway Hop

November 30, 2014

24 merry days

Hi friends,
Hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving! It has been so good to cut off from every distraction and spend uninterrupted time with my family. I will be sharing more about our Thanksgiving soon (hopefully if I get the chance!).

Had to give you a head up in the mean time about this unbelievable giveaway series I am participating in. It’s called 24 Merry Days, and you may have come across it last year. It will start Dec. 1st and end Dec. 24th. Each day, a different blogger is giving away a different prize, and you won’t believe some of the goodies we have in store. A few hints…Madsen Cycles, Loeffler Randall bags, Smeg fridge, Public bike, West Elm gift card, Drop Scale + iPAD mini! You can keep up with the days on the 24 Merry Days website and facebook page.  (Website designed by Gloria of Little White Whale!)


Come back on the 3rd – can’t wait to share with you what I’ll be giving away:)
x, Anna


P.S. Thanks for all who entered the Anthropologie giveaway! The winner’s name is announced in the rafflecopter widget on the post!

Thanksgiving Tablescapes: Dessert Buffet + Apricot Pie Recipe

November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Dessert TablescapeDessert Table Setting | IHODIn Honor of Design: Dessert BuffetIn Honor of Design- Apricot Pie Recipe

When Target challenged me to share my spin on keeping guests lingering at the table this year, my sweet tooth answered the call. We are staying home for Thanksgiving this year, so I have been working on our menu for Friendsgiving. It’s usually tough to save room for dessert after the smorgasbord feast, but as usually anticipated by the crowd, the pies and sweets are always worth the wait.

One way to keep the dinner crew conversation going after the plates are cleared, is to create a dessert bar on a separate table or a buffet display at the center of the commotion. I wanted to do something a little different from the expected fall colors for thanksgiving tablescapes, so I incorporated silver and champagne tones. I worked a few platters, plates, and reindeer (cause why not??) along with fall foliage to make the scene come alive.

Candlelight and Coffee doesn’t hurt either;) Having coffee along with that bundt cake or pie, and a little candlelight to keep the atmosphere comfortable to keep everyone together for a while longer!

The making of a Dessert Buffet: Tiered Dessert Stand // Cake Stand // Reindeer // Mercury Charger ( Used this as a platter!) // Mercury Plates // Mercurey Votives (In Store)

What is on your menu for Thanksgiving? I would love to hear! Veronica helped me make these 3 Ingredient Powder Puff cookies, and below is the recipe to one of my very favorites that comes from a very talented family friend. Since Apricots aren’t in season you can use frozen!

Dreamy Apricot Pie

6 C Apricot halves
2/3 C sugar
1/3 C Flour
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 – 9 inch pie crusts (homemade or store bought)
3-4 tbls. butter

1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2) Whisk flour, cinammon, nutmeg, and sugar.
3) In a separate bowl mix apricots and lemon juice. Add in dry ingredients.
4) Line your pie crust into pie dish and prepare edges.
5) Pour apricot mixture into the pie crust. Dot with butter.
6) Top the pie with remaining pie crust, pinch the edges, and slit the top. (Tip: Line the edges of the pie with foil to prevent burning.)
7) Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown.
8) Sprinkle with a little sugar on top, cool, and serve!


This post is sponsored by Target. All opinions are my own. Shop Home Décor for modern luxury made easy. 


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