Linen Closet + Bathroom Organization

January 29, 2020

Organization and order….those things have never come naturally to me. I was never drawn to anything domestic really though! I was a fly by the seat of my pants type of girl who procrastinated on anything that required thoroughness. It wasn’t until I had my 3rd baby Max where this method started to swallow me whole, and I knew it was time to get my rear in gear! So if this sounds familiar to you there is hope! I slowly started to focus on one small space and one small routine at a time to create a life that made room for internal peace. Ultimately, reducing confusion and clutter in your home offers a more peaceful environment for all who live there.

pantry storage and organization

Simple ways we save on food + meal planning.

January 14, 2020

pantry storage and organization

Since we have quite a crew to feed now, we have a pretty consistent system for budgeting for the food bill, and planning out meals for the week.

fireplace makeover

Fireplace Makeover Process + Total Cost

January 13, 2020

fireplace design stucco

Today’s post is written by Gabe

We are hoping to break down the process of our fireplace design to answer any questions you may have if you want to give this a try in your own home! When looking into revamping a fireplace surround, it is really important to research, and make sure you check out both national fire code and local fire code before you begin! We consulted multiple fireplace/chimney companies in the area, and spoke with a member of our local fire department just to make sure we were on track. Below is the process, materials, and total cost!


January Spending Freeze!

January 7, 2020

Happy New Year! We have been unplugged since Christmas to allow time for a good reset! I don’t tend to do a word of the year, resolutions, or a list of goals in January. However, I do feel the urge to de-clutter and organize my life in every area! Anyone else? Gabe and I sat down to think through what we want to continue to share with you readers this year. I always appreciate concrete resources! So we will be sending out a series of helpful tools in life, family, and home categories. If you missed, here is our Life Projection Plan printable.

We have more on organization coming soon, but decided to start our year with a SPENDING FREEZE! Have you tried one before? This is a really great challenge for getting in the right headspace to save towards a goal. I created a basic outline download you can print to have as a visual guide!

Christmas front door decor

A Christmastime Home Tour.

December 19, 2019

Christmas front door decor
Added a new face to our annual front door pic!

I am still adding decor around our home as this year I had to embrace the concept of a slow advent. We did get a few rooms prepared to share our annual Christmas time home tour though! Come on in!


The result of our Mattress Search!

December 10, 2019

The last time we bought a mattress was right before Gabe and I got married….which was over 10 years ago. Needless to say, we were overdue for a new one since it was well worn and sinking fast. Both of us were waking up with achy backs, so we started to research best options for a new mattress. There are SO many on the market that we didn’t know where to begin. After reading about the engineering and science behind Current Mattress, we were very intrigued. We’re so excited to partner with them and share what we discovered about the connection with mattresses and how we wake up feeling each day!


My Favorite Christmas Books for Kids

December 4, 2019

best christmas books for kids

We bring out these books in December, and it’s like pouring through old familiar friends. My kids will spend hours looking through these. Here are some favorites…


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