results for organization

21 Ideas to Declutter + Organize Your Home

January 27, 2021

Every year I go through it. The sudden urge to declutter, organize, and minimize every corner of my life. It doesn’t come naturally to me, and I have to really think through and write a list to make things happen. It’s a habit I am working on for the overall flow and function of our home! Writing a list made it seem instantly less intimidating. Sharing the list I tackled last year in case you also hit turbo clean mode at any point this season. I have experienced in my own life that physically decluttering gives our minds mental clarity and space to breath! ​​​​​​​


Weekend Notes: Fall Capsule, removing shutters, safe phones for kids, and more.

August 21, 2020

1) There are changes you can make to your home that make a big difference, that cost zero dollars. I really love the wood shutters that our new house has, but they blocked so much natural light. We decided to remove them in the back part of the house this week and it already feels more like home! I know I know, some of you were cringing! Our poll on stories was a true split 50/50…


Pantry design project from start to finish + total cost. (VIDEO)

March 24, 2020

Currently, our pantry is our most pinned post on pinterest. I think it might have to do with everyone being stuck indoors? The real question is, have you organized your sock drawer yet?!

I realized we never got the chance to share how we built out our pantry design conversion video and process. Today, Gabe is going to share the materials we used for our pantry design, the instructions, total cost, and the all of the sources for the storage containers. 


3 Easy Steps for Painting Dressers

March 12, 2020





An easy way to pull together a room design is pulling a color from your wallpaper or the accent wall color and painting it on one of your furniture pieces within the room! We just did this in one of our bedrooms to the IKEA Hemnes dresser. Sharing the 3 easy steps for painting a dresser to last.




pantry storage and organization

Simple ways we save on food + meal planning.

January 14, 2020

pantry storage and organization

Since we have quite a crew to feed now, we have a pretty consistent system for budgeting for the food bill, and planning out meals for the week.


January Spending Freeze!

January 7, 2020

Happy New Year! We have been unplugged since Christmas to allow time for a good reset! I don’t tend to do a word of the year, resolutions, or a list of goals in January. However, I do feel the urge to de-clutter and organize my life in every area! Anyone else? Gabe and I sat down to think through what we want to continue to share with you readers this year. I always appreciate concrete resources! So we will be sending out a series of helpful tools in life, family, and home categories. If you missed, here is our Life Projection Plan printable.

We have more on organization coming soon, but decided to start our year with a SPENDING FREEZE! Have you tried one before? This is a really great challenge for getting in the right headspace to save towards a goal. I created a basic outline download you can print to have as a visual guide!


The start of school, baby update, a final paint color decision, and a new series!

August 16, 2019

Backyard Movie Night – (We’ve been using the same projector for a few years! )


1. It’s been a week of adjusting to new routines, and cramming in a bunch of home projects we are trying to wrap up before the baby comes! I am feeling the need to slow down though, and prep myself both physically and mentally for the birth. I’ve never been good about taking care of myself, so determined to rest leading up to the birth and after the birth properly this time! I found out at the doctor the baby already has hair, and switched from breech to head down – two things that oddly made me tear up. (Although that seems to be a daily occurrence these days. #pregnancy) I will share the things that have helped me prepare next week since you all shared so many helpful tips.


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