10 President’s Day Home Sale Finds.

February 19, 2018


I always wait for the good sales before getting items for the home. There are so many good sales going on today, and it can be overwhelming, so rounded up a few favorites from around our home and currently in my shopping cart. Hope this round up saves you time browsing! Happy start to your week:)

*CLOSED* Beautycounter Giveaway!

February 9, 2018

(Pictured: Non-toxic sunscreen, cleansing balm, facial oils, tint skin foundation, lip sheers, charcoal bar)

I wanted to take an opportunity with Valentine’s Day around the corner, to send some care packages to some of you deserving gal pals! Personally it’s always been hard for me to be okay with spending money on self-care items. I am sure many of you can relate! It wasn’t until my recent commitment to take better care of myself and use safer products that I knew it was something that I needed to work in my budget. I love being able to give when I can, and these are my very favorite non-toxic beauty products that have helped my skin tremendously. Enter below!


Date ideas under $10.

February 7, 2018

Getting a sitter for our 5 kiddos can be priceyyyyy. So paying more for the actual date is hard to swallow sometimes. At this point in our marriage, going to the store just the two of us feels like a luxury! However, we thought it would be fun to share some affordable date ideas (under $10!) we have loved over the last year. It doesn’t need to be extravagant to have a good time!

1. Antique hunt – Whoever finds the coolest item under $10 at an antique market gets to take it home. Get a passer by to make the vote if you can’t decide between yourselves;)


DIY Poster Hangers in 3 steps.

February 6, 2018

I was hunting for poster hangers for our boys room, and ordered a few options that were in the $12-$15 range. I thought it wasn’t bad compared to frames, but then Gabe comes in and says “you paid how much for these? I could make those for a couple bucks!” So I let him prove it. Surprisingly, they were cake to make, and I love how making them on your own gives you more design and color options as well. Promise these DIY poster hangers take two minutes to make, and cost approx. $3.50 a set!

A Window-less Bathroom Renovation!

February 1, 2018

As part of our daylight basement remodel, we set apart a space for a bathroom that was adjacent to both the boys’ room and the multi-purpose room. There are no windows, but I didn’t want that to limit us from trying out color! Sharing the process behind this windlow-less bathroom renovation, and a tour today!


Making our home safer. Pt. 2

January 31, 2018

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hive Home. The opinions and text are my own.


Remember how we took steps to make our home more economical a few months ago? We took the next step on our goal list this month, and made it more secure and safe!

Gabe by nature is more cautious about keeping the home secure, and I on the other hand always forget to lock the door before leaving the house. Anyone else? It’s just not on my mind as much I guess. When we travel, Gabe is always anxious to get back and make sure everything is ok. I on the other hand have left my car running with the keys inside while going into the post office, and have also left the front door ajar after leaving the house to pick up the kids from school. (Both unintentionally.) So you can imagine the grey hairs I am surely causing him to grow.

The Hive View security camera just launched a few weeks ago, so we were able to set it up and test it out. We synced it with our Hive app so that whenever we are out of the home we are able to easily check in on our home from the mobile device. I can only imagine the peace of mind this is going to bring when we are out of the home now. One of it’s best features? It starts recording when it detects motion in the room, and sends a notification to your phone! (You can even set it to detect only people and ignore pets.)


Family update: Hybrid model schooling.

January 25, 2018

Now that we have a full semester behind us of trying out the hybrid model school with our children, I think we can give you all a fair update on how it’s all going….the pros and cons, as well as thoughts moving forward! I know it is something many of you have been inquiring about, so if you have additional questions feel free to leave them below.

In the first few months Gabe and I were trying to tag team teaching lessons to Gabriel and Veronica on the days they were home. It was a little bananas to be honest. Trying to adjust to working together on the blog, a new family routine, and trying to understand curriculums to teach our kids while juggling babies. I was completely overwhelmed, but had been given the heads up that it takes time to adjust.


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