Shop Scoop: Sézane

October 18, 2017


This is a company that peaked my interest on the design/brand side of things at first, but then I fell for the construction and quality of their pieces. Sézane is a French based company that has recently opened it’s first flagship in the U.S. I would make a trip to NYC just to have a bagel…or wait probably croquette in this store.


Back to the midwest.

October 17, 2017


It’s very easy in the digital age we live in to feel like we are making connections with people throughout the day, even if we never see anyone in person. I am sure the same goes for you that you don’t receive many phone calls anymore, and a letter in the mailbox is a treasure. I don’t deny that these connections can be uplifting, supportive, and on some level fulfilling. However, there are currently more people suffering from loneliness and depression than ever before. There is nothing that can replace the connection that comes from investing time person to person. Relationships always have and always will require intention and follow through, but maybe now more than ever we have to fight for it.


Kitchen Renovation Phase 1 (+VIDEO)

October 11, 2017


After living with three broken shelves in our fridge for a few months, the level of appreciation for new appliances runs deeeeeep. We got to partner with Frigidaire to try out the new black stainless steel collection, and create this short film sharing one of our favorite family recipes and traditions. I am also sharing our kitchen for the first time, and what are plans are for the full renovation!



5 Steps to Glowing Skin.

October 10, 2017

I don’t like to wear a whole lot of makeup, so the summer tan was a compassionate friend! It is leaving me fast though, and my skin is heading towards that familiar winter tone. I still don’t want to wear too many layers of makeup to overcompensate for the lack of color. I try to avoid self-tanners and such due the level of chemicals, so these are some items I have played around with that offer a healthier, clean ingredient alternative to glowing skin year round. Of course, it’s important to note that lots of water and nutrients through the foods we eat are the best ways to keep your skin hydrated and healthy!


5 Steps to Glowing Skin:

1. Touchup Concealer Pen
2. Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer
3. Matte Bronzer
4. Glow Shimmer Oil
5. Nourishing Lip Gloss


These are the only products I am wearing in the above pic in addition to volumizing mascara. If you haven’t already downloaded the Think Dirty app like I have mentioned before, you gotta do it! It really helps understand which products in your makeup bag are healthy for your skin and which are on the toxic side. I used to buy just drugstore beauty brands because I’m always on a budget, but the good thing is, these products last for months so it really stretches your dollar.

What have been some effective tricks for you in maintaining healthy skin through winter?


*Disclosure: I became a part of the Beautycounter company after reading their mission, and seeing a positive change in my skin. I only like to share things I really use and love, so this is my honest opinion! If you have any questions about products, need help color matching, or would like to ask me any questions about joining my team, feel free to email me! 

5 pieces to add to a fall capsule.

October 6, 2017


I have been slowly switching seasons in my closet, and taking the opportunity to weed out any unused items. I was able to do a closet auction to raise funds for some families affected by recent hurricanes, and I deeply appreciate those of you who supported that! My closet is getting pretty slim, which actually leaves me much more content! I have added a few pieces to my fall “capsule” that are both versatile and super comfortable.


Mantle Mirror Round Up + DIY Gilded Mirror

October 5, 2017



1. Madeleine Mirror
2. Primrose Mirror
3. Bellesol Mirror
4. Cho Mirror
5. Classical Buffet Mirror
6. Brass Metal Loop Mirror
7. Somette Mirror
8. Arched mirror

We searched high and low for this round up of mantle mirrors, and these were the finalists! However, if you are feeling nifty, I am including how I gilded our current mantle mirror that Gabe found for $30 at a local flea market. It took me twenty minutes so promise it’s easy!


Lowering my expectations.

October 3, 2017


I don’t know how you do it. It’s a comment I receive often when all 5 tots are in tow. It’s usually said with wondering eyes and genuine sincerity. So I have to ask myself, how do I? How do I survive raising 5 energetic little ones and still hold onto my own sanity? Well one way? I’ve lowered my expectations. This might sound like a terrible thing….to lower one’s expectations, but I am talking about expectations that are meant to be confronted and adjusted. There are expectations we naturally build within ourselves for all things… how our relationships will be, what our marriage should look like, how our lives will play out, and even what our children should be.

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