I meant to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday, but it was really nice to take the day completely unplugged. It was our first Thanksgiving in the new house, and although it was simple, it was so meaningful to us. I felt filled to the brim, and I hope each of you felt the same in your own homes surrounded by loved ones. Many of my sisters and brothers were spread out this year, and this is the hymn we took turns singing to each other over the phone, because you know, Little Women! …
Growing up, my family had the tradition of a gift exchange in which we would all make hand made gifts or re-gift something we knew our sisters or brothers really wanted (hello barbie fashion sketch set). I can still feel the Christmas spirit tingle my bones when I think of some of those memories, and I don’t think it is anything money can buy. The season of self giving can easily turn into a mess of materialism. In order to be a blog that promotes the former over the latter, I wanted to be very simple with my gift guides. Ones that will be a helpful guide to avoiding those black friday lines and keeping you at home with your family. So hear is a quick guide for the girl on a budget doing her shopping to avoid the chaos!
This year my family is spread far and wide for Christmas, and as much as it breaks my heart, I find consolation in our annual gift exchange. Many years later we still keep the budget low so we can get creative. We draw just one name, and ship our gift for those who are far away. I will be trying my best to hand make at least the gift tag in addition to the budget buy to add a little nostalgic cheer.
Any cool DIY’s or budget buys you have found? Let me know!
P.S. Are you signed up the IHOD email list? I will be sending out a few bonus gift guides for email subscribers:)
Advent starts this weekend, and I readily admit I am a tad ambitious when it comes to advent calendars. I find them all so enticing as they represent a time of waiting, hope, and inner change. I thought I would share a few new ones I found this year if you are looking to add one to your traditions…
This illustrated advent calendar caught my eye, as it is visually stunning. Even better, it has a verse written on the back for each day you pull a card. Since advent is a spiritual experience for our family, I am excited to use this one as part of our bedtime routine this advent. You can find this one on etsy from Coley Created shop.
I often think how I wish I could gather many of you readers in one place to throw a big party. I am always so grateful for your loyal readership and support over the years of this space. But since this isn’t possible, and gift giving is my love language, I wanted to do a run of gratitude giveaways! A series of personally selected favorite things to give away as an end of the year party! It will lead up to our biggest giveaway to date on IHOD, so be sure to stay tuned! (If you email subscribe, and new post will get sent directly to you via email.)
So first up! Giving away this Lacie Weekender Bag from Sole Society in Cognac! (It is the size up from the bag pictured, and just the right size for a weekend away.) Enter via Rafflecopter below! VIEW FULL POST
There have so many southern cities that we have yet to discover, and I gravitate towards cities that fly under the radar as popular destinations. We had the opportunity to travel to Birmingham with Southern Living and the State of Alabama for a few days, and it surprised us in more ways than one. A short 2.5 hours from Atlanta, dozens of quaint neighborhoods, and an endless list of must taste, see, and dos. Here are a few things worth mentioning… VIEW FULL POST
We went on a quick trip to Birmingham this weekend, and thought I would show you how I attempt to pack light! (Although I can never quite conquer the one pair of shoes thing…) Here are 6 pieces of clothing, and a few accessories that were easy and comfortable to mix and match for day and evening, and that all squeezed into a small suitcase! VIEW FULL POST
I don’t cover politics on this blog, and I am going to keep it that way. However, it would be silly to go on posting like the election didn’t happen. A day that will impact me, my family, and my country for the next four years in a dramatic way. I have so much to say, but I will keep it simple here.
I witnessed so much hatred, bitterness, and anger over the last few days on both sides of the spectrum on social media. That is why I steered clear of it for many weeks leading up until the election. Real conversations, connection, and logical discussions do not happen there. It is just a place for opinions to be platformed. My experience with face to face conversations on our country and it’s future was usually much more engaging and thought provoking. Did you find the same? I wish that the time and energy devoted to pointing the finger could be channeled towards the action we all want to see in our own lives.
I have so much hope for this great country. I want so much for our culture to reach more understanding of each other. A country who can acknowledge our differences, and work through them with compassion. A country who can live in a world where we truly care more about the greater good than our own agenda. Here is an article by Yellow Conference I found extremely well written. I encourage you to read it, and as always I would love to hear your thoughts.
For now, I am challenging myself to” be the chess player, not the chess piece”, and start acting towards the morals and values this country started upon. I know this starts within my own family, within my community, with friends, neighbors, and strangers alike.
All my best,
“America, you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me. You let me make a difference. A place where even orphan immigrants can leave their fingerprints and rise up.” —Hamilton