#EncourageBeauty Campaign Launch

August 22, 2014


You all might remember when Hilary and I shared the Encourage Beauty campaign last year? Well, next week we will be starting an all new round, with a new crew, and the message behind this campaign is a powerful one. I am teaming up alongside each of these women with hearts of gold to spread a movement of encouraging other women to embrace and encourage a natural beauty given by God to the heart of every women. The kind of beauty that makes you radiate. Self confidence, self worth, authenticity, kindness, faith, compassion…all qualities that make a women undeniably beautiful! That is what we are celebrating and passing on next week, and I invite you to be a part of this campaign we hope catches fire!

It’s pretty simple to be a part of! Announce the campaign you are joining in on, share a photo or two a day on instagram following the prompts above to encourage beauty within yourself and/or family and friends. It is only 5 days long, so head over to the NEW website (weencouragebeauty.com) to get all the details and downloads.

Wishing you all a grand weekend (TGIFFFFF!) ahead and catch you on the flip side of #EncourageBeauty:)
x, Anna

Leave a Comment

  • What a brilliant idea! There are still many women who underestimate themselves. Your campaign is a good start for someone who wants to change to be more self-confident. It definitely made my week!

  • I loved being a part of this last year and am so excited that it is back! Are we supposed to post to Instagram twice then? Once referencing ourselves and the second referencing another?

  • What a great space, thank you for sharing this inspiration!

  • I am so encouraged by this campaign. I cannot wait to be apart of it! Love your hearts. Love the vision. Love all of it. Would love to connect with some of you too!

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