Simplicity. Making 2014 an Authentic Year.

January 3, 2014

A New Year

Veronica Rose

My typing fingers are rusty, and you know, that is a good thing.
I needed this blog/work/mind break more than I realized.
Over Christmas, I had time to be fully present to my family and to really dive into the beautiful silence that the Christmas season can bring. And yes, that may be an oxymoron considering when my entire family is under one roof, there is never a moment of silence, but really, my heart and mind were at rest. I spent a lot of time thinking about the silence of that first Christmas 2014 years ago, and I took so much comfort there.

The noise of this world and the fast paced rhythm the world often demands can leave us feeling insufficient, spiritually malnourished, and physically exhausted. I felt all of these over the past few months, but I was hustling because it is what I knew how to do. I hustle and make things happen. Even if my motivation was my family, I was getting worn thin. As you remember with this post and this post, I was sensing a turning point for this blog, but I wasn’t quite sure what.

This blog link up was actually really good timing for me. It forced me to think, and mull, and contemplate. We only have one 2014. One year, 365 days, that are made up of simple hours, moments, and CHOICES. I realized it comes down to the small choices I make that pile up to make the life we live in. I crave an authentic simple life for Gabe, the kids, and I where they know they can rest, feel loved, and thrive in. That is all we need in this life and the rest is excess. The rest is the allurement of what I think will make us happy. In reality, it is excess. (Thank you Jen Hatmaker and SEVEN for blowing that can wide open!) Okay I know. I am rambling. I can hear you murmuring behind your screens;) Get to the point Anna!

My word for 2014 is simplicity. Authentic, real, and raw simplicity. Facing my motherhood, my marriage, my creative jobs, and even how I dress with simplicity. Keeping it as honest as possible with myself, my friends, family, and all of you! I might be blogging less, simplifying my calendar and commitments, and continue to simplifying my closet! I know this will allow me to keep my heart in the right place and really take the present for what it was meant to be….a reflection of the great love God has for us.

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.” – Leo Tolstoy

Now its your turn! I can’t wait to read your word, goals, or reflections for the new year! Read on for the instructions and link up!

  • First, head to each of the hostess’ sites, check out their posts!
  • Share your own answers to one of the following prompts ( or all of them)! 
1. What is something you want to change, or a goal you want to set for the New Year, and what is your plan for making it happen?
2.  Many people choose a word to reflect on, live by, or aspire to for the New Year.  Let us know your word, how you decided upon it, and how you hope to incorporate it into 2014.

3.  I will make 2014 count by…

You will then link up on any ONE of the hostess’ sites.  Our links will be interlinked which means that your post will be displayed on all of our sites. Share on instagram with the hashtag #making2014count


7. Oh Dear Drea


1. Write your blog post.
2. Copy your URL that links back to your blog/post.
3. See where it says “click here to enter” ? Click there and follow instructions!
4. Mingle other posts and make new friends!

*Photos by none other than the talented Chelsey Heidorn 

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  • love this and this link-up! amen to everything you wrote.
    and hopefully this is the year we can finally meet in person.

    happy new year, love!

  • This is interesting. It seems like a lot of people are striving for a more simple life, at least in the blogging world. Simplicity can be so calming and freeing.

  • LOVE this. I will make 2014 count by listening to my heart. Always. x

  • Yes! Such a perfect word! I also live by this word, in everything I do (or at least, try my very best to :)) That is such a beautiful quote…will keep it in mind this year. Thank you and the other hostesses for this great link up and reflection sesh! I had a fun time taking part in this! Happy 2014, Anna! May it be perfect simplicity for you 🙂

  • anna, i love your heart, so much.
    thank you for sharing and praise God for a break. I took one too and it has been glorious.

  • Completely agree with everything you said! Thanks for hosting such a fabulous link up. I’m sure it’s going to be great for many to gain perspective on the start of this new year! 🙂

  • I received the book 7 for Christmas and devoured it in less than a week. My word for 2014 is GIVE. I’ve just been feeling like we have so much “stuff” and it’s stifling and overwhelming, especially when there are so many people out there who don’t. Happy New Year Anna and family 🙂

  • Simplicity is a good choice, Anna! I know that your family will truly appreciate the change. I chose “faith”! Thanks for putting this together. Happy New Year!

  • Love this, Anna! “365 days, that are made up of simple hours, moments, and CHOICES.”- so true, and something I constantly need to remember!

  • Loveeeeeee this. And I felt exactly the same way by the end of this past year. Just so tired from trying to keep up with everything and do so much. All. The. Time. I forced myself to slow down over Christmas and suddenly came to realize many things…..which led me to my word for the year: AWARE. This year I will be more aware of what really matters, take the time to enjoy it and not focus so much on all the “extra.”
    Thanks for sharing your heart!

  • Wasn’t Seven a fascinating book? My book club read it and it really was thought-provoking.

  • this is a beautiful post! I agree that we seem to be taking on to much these days and forgetting the “now” I love you word to pursue for this year. I hope it brings you comfort and direction during this year.

  • So perfect, Anna – your photos and your words. Absolutely love everything you said. I took a little blog break too and absolutely loved it. I found myself getting so wrapped up with everything, I was starting to despise it – that’s not what it’s about. I love that you got to enjoy quality time with your family over Christmas. I could see the joy and love you all have for one another from following on IG. I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year – may it be filled with love, happiness and amazing, simple moments 🙂 Sending you my love!

  • From another Anna, I want to thank you for all that you do to inspire goodness, beauty, simplicity, silence. Thank you for all that you do for everyone in your life, especially yourself. What an example!

    Thank you,
    FUS Alum ’11

  • amen amen amen. This resonates with me so much. xx

  • So beautiful Anna! Wishing you all the best for this year! 🙂

  • I complete agree with everything you said. I feel like most all I do each day is hustle. I like that you pointed out the excess in life. I think I need to prioritize better in 2014 and make more time for the things that count and less time for the excess. My word for this year is inspire. I want to be more intentional about the things I let inspire me and the way I inspire others. So thank you, for being such a positive inspiration! Hope your twenty fourteen is lovely and blessed!

  • This is real!! Simplicity at its finest is pure joy and your beautiful post is a reminder of that. You are such an inspiration and I feel so lucky to know you. I look forward to seeing what God brings you and your family in 2014! 🙂

  • Your pictures are so beautiful.

    And I couldn’t agree more with your words. To a beautiful new year 🙂

  • Loving the thought of simplicity, especially in my closet! Stripping down life and finding out what really moves us and concentrating on just that. Love:) Happy New Year!

  • Far from wanting you to stop going on and on… I LOVE your reflections, Anna! As always! 🙂

    Thank you for this. I saw your linkup after I had finished my draft post of reflecting on last year and setting some hopes for this one, so I hopped in a day late 🙂 I wish you success with your striving toward simplicity! Its inspiring 🙂

  • […] outlook for 2014, each trying to be a  better person one day at a time.   I’ve joined in at In Honor of Design, however, they are all linked and you can get to a multitude of fantastic sites from […]

  • So beautiful. I am aiming for a simpler life in 2014 too. It’s a difficult task in this world today, when we’re constantly bombarded with new things to buy, see, do, etc, but we can do it! Happy New Year Anna!

  • Anna – always a big fan of your blog and vision. Thanks for creating this link-up, it was inspiring to read so many different reasons why people are grateful. We are thankful for awesome people like you!

    – Erica, aftcra

  • I love your word. It can be a difficult thing to be simple in a world so focused on more. But all of the extras can really crowd our minds and our ability to love harder and live in the moment with our families. I hope 2014 is a fantastic year for you!

  • This is great Anna! Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

  • […] with one of the most beautiful woman the internet has the gift of getting to know: Anna of IHOD. She inspires with grace, style, beauty and thrift and she does it all with meaningful […]

  • […] to do or try or learn, I am claiming a word for the year. I stumbled upon this idea when I read this post from In Honor of Design. So, I am joining in and the word I keep coming back to is nurture. In […]

  • […] of my favorite new year’s resolutions were about living a simple life, here and here. But my life is not simple.  It’s hectic.  I work a lot, and I live in New York.  A simple […]

  • Blogs have dropped in quality nowadays, looks like most people runs them to earn a living
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  • I loved this post! Ive only just got around to writing a post about my word for 2014 at the End of June! how rubbish am i!?

    My word for 2014 is Embrace.

    Love your blog and the simplicity of this post.

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