Pink over pink.

February 13, 2017

pink over pink, in honor of design

Similar Pants – Zara // Ruffle sweater – Topshop (sold out but available in yellow and black) // Similar heels // Purse – 2 Penny Blue // Glasses

I can’t make any promises I will stop it with the pink anytime soon. (I blame my daughter Veronica.) It also doesn’t help that every good clothing piece I find happens to be in the season’s trendiest color. I’m anxious for yellow to be the all star again. Anyways….

pink over pink, in honor of design


Our weekend Valentine date/ early birthday celebrations for Gabe were cancelled due to three feverish babies. I rotated holding each one throughout the weekend, and was wishing for eight more arms. Sometimes life requires a great deal more love than you feel you have within you to offer. Instead of time to have a date alone, both Gabe and I found ourselves passing each other “like ships in the night” all weekend. However, in that odd way that difficult days have a way of teaching, I felt very grateful that it was him that I get to face it all with.  Someone who makes the midnight trek upstairs for the 15th time to see who needs more water or kleenexes. Someone that finds the humor over the ridiculousness of any given situation. Someone who manages to make dinner so his frazzled wife can get some fresh air to avoid cabin fever. Grateful wouldn’t even begin to cover it.

So this pink on pink number will have to wait for now. Or maybe I’ll whip it out for the grocery store because you know, heels in the spaghetti sauce aisle is totally realistic, and don’t even tell me otherwise…

Items featured:


*Photos by Morgan Blake


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  • Anna, pink suits you very well! I’m positive spaghetti sauce aisle would agree with me 😉
    It’s usually the hard times that affirm that we did choose the right person to spend our lives with.
    I wish love and health to your family!

  • All of your posts hit close to home! I feel like I’ve been battling 4 sick little ones all winter. If all 4 kids happen to be sleeping at the same time this Valentine’s Day, my husband and I will be happy!

    • Oh Laura I feel you! The true tests of our strength are when they all need us at one time right? Hope you both get a little time together tonight! x

  • Girl, you always manage to find the silver lining. And apparently, all the cute pink clothes manage to find you! This is such a gorgeous look! Happy vday (and healing!) to you and your crew! Xox

  • Oh man, that’s so rough. But i know what you mean about having no one else you’d want to face those days with. And I think you should definitely wear this to grocery shop! 😉

  • It’s a blessing to have someone to share the ups and downs with. Smiling and laughing helps to cope. Please don’t stop the PINK. I am such a fan and you look great in pink!!! BTW it’s my favorite color :0)

    • Indeed it is Michelle! And I was scrolling through my posts, and thinking….pink has taken over! It used to be my least favorite color and obviously that has shifted. ha!

  • Anna- love the outfit! Pink is your color! Also- any tips for keeping up that svelte bod?! What works for you? You’re rocking it, girl!

    • Shannon, wow I’m flattered! I am not very good at consistent work outs, but a few things I try to stay consistent with is 15 minutes of toning exercises a day. I do have a really high metabolisom so when I am breastfeeding I have to make sure and eat a good deal of high-protein calories. I try to follow the Weston-Price way of eating (there is a whole book on it on amazon!), but it’s an 80-20 kind of thing. Have you heard of the Sweat app or the Nike Women app? Both great starting points for toning trackers:) Hope this helps some? I am FINALLY at a place of adding cardio to my week so will try to do a post on that soon. x

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