I hunted down some gifts for under $20—items I personally love or would give to a loved one. We do a family gift exchange every year with my own siblings, and we usually keep a smaller budget for it. Same with the gift exchange we do with our kids. These traditions have me always keeping an eye out for fun and thoughtful ideas that don’t break the bank!
1. Fluffy house slippers
2. Kitsch hair ties (These are the best I have tried!)
3. Kitsch scrunchies
4. Dae shampoo and conditioner set (Smells incredible!)
5. Travel jewelry box
6. Electric candle lighter (I love that they are rechargeable.)
7. Christmas tree candle (Would pair well with #6.)
8. Aromatherapy eye pillow (Handmade. Work so well for headaches or body aches.)
9. Nutcracker tree puzzle (Just ordered this for the kids! 40% off.)
10. The Wine Lover’s Card Deck
11. 3D moon lamp (Something my boys would love.)
12. Ultimate Catch Phrase (My big family plays this a lot during holiday gatherings!)
13. Kitsch satin pillowcase (These feel incredible.)
14. Plush blanket
15. The Christmas Movie Cookbook (I am so intrigued by this!)
16. Scattergories (Another old favorite we played over Thanksgiving that’s great for older kids.)
17. Tea organizer
18. Sushi-making kit (I’m determined to learn how to make some!)
19. North Pole drink glasses