24 Hour Tour of NYC

July 15, 2014

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetcentral parkProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 presetchelsea market | IHOD Levain Bakery | IHODProcessed with VSCOcam with f3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f3 preset

My last round of photos to share with you all over my weekend in NYC. I got to spend some time with my two best friends from college, Molly and Liza. They are like family to me and since we all had summer birthdays we decided to make this weekend one we could celebrate together.

These photos range over a 24 hour span of our time adventuring the great city. We witnessed a race in the streets (pretty common place I am sure), I chased down a guy after church that I wanted to set up with Moll;);), spent time in Central Park on a perfect May afternoon with Liza’s adorable fam, explored Chelsea Market and the area surrounding, tried on specs at Warby Parker, checked out the view on the High Rise, cookies from Levain (a must), birthday dinner with old friends, etc.

Highly recommend getting time with your closest friends who know you best. The ones that care about you know matter what, who invest in your life, and enrich it for the better.


*Also: The Brand Market NYC and Local Notes NYC edition

6 Years of Marriage + 6 Ways to keep the Flame Lit.

July 11, 2014

6 Ways to Keep the Flame Lit | IHOD

6 Ways to keep the Flame Lit | In Honor of Design

When you first starting dating and enter your first year of marriage, there is a “fire” and excitement that is often called the Honeymoon Phase. I can honestly say that Anna and I, thanks be to God, have not lost this excitement after 6 years. It has changed and matured, as all things should overtime, and as such that fire has grown, not diminished. I think this is due to a commitment to seek the happiness of the other person before yourself. I believe that this is best made apparent to her through consistent and small ways throughout the week. So, here are six practical things I try to do to let Anna know I love her…

1. Give one honest random compliment daily.
This does not mean things such as “thank you for this great dinner” or “you are very beautiful.” Although these are very important, a compliment such as “I love how your hair curls in the summer” or “That top looks great on you” or even as silly as “Have I ever told you how cute your ears are?” Show her that you are being attentive and notice and appreciate subtle nuances about her.

2. Regularly set a good drink in front of her. (wink wink)
This could be a cocktail she really likes, or in Anna’s case a fresh cup of coffee or homemade glass of fresh lemonade. (Or as of late, a homemade microwave s’more works well also.) The key is that the drink is something that you put effort into just for her enjoyment. 

3. Clean the kitchen and high traffic areas, especially if she is out of the house.
I have noticed that Anna truly appreciates this, especially on days where the kids where, lets say “overly energetic”. I want her to know that I appreciate her efforts and that I am her support and partner in the challenges of life.

4. If you have children, or if she has had a long day, give her some quiet time to decompress.
Take the kids to the park, or take the dog on a walk when you get home from work so she has some quite time, even if you have had a hard day. An act of loving self sacrifice rarely returns void. This would also be a great time to provide that drink mentioned above.

5. Frame your words carefully when in a discussion.
Few things can cut deeper, than ill placed reactionary words. We try to avoid criticizing each other and using words like “always” and “never” because they can make the other feel less of themselves and immediately bring out defenses. The habit of discussion over accusation ensures the other person you still care deeply for them and want to talk through an issue.

6. Just grab her and dance, just for a moment.
Whether there is music or not, it tells her that she is desired and still pursued. Or course, a little pinch on the rear never hurts either.

– Gabe

*Also, Dating through your Marriage and One habit we commit to.

Local Notes: SoHo NYC

July 9, 2014

When I was in NYC for The Brand Market, I got in town a little early on Friday and was able to spend the afternoon with Brynn Elliott Watkins, Sara Kerens, and my friend Marisol. I wanted to just enjoy the unusually perfect weather and pop in and out of spots that looked inviting. When else would I have the opportunity to spend an afternoon in NYC, with absolutely nothing to do but explore? So here’s where we landed…

IHOD| Sara Kerens PhotographyLittle Fox Cafe NYCChic Gallery NYC via IHODProcessed with VSCOcam with c2 preset Explore

We walked into Clic Gallery and were immediately sucked into the giant art prints and photos on the gallery wall. This place was filled with work from varying artists from across the U.S., and I even recognized the work of my friend Courtney Hamill of Honeycomb studio. Remember her? I concluded I probably couldn’t fit my Laurie Victor Kay artwork in my suitcase home so I snatched a postcard instead:)

La Esquina NYC
La Esquina | SoHo NYCLa Esquina

In an attempt to find an available lunch spot we ran into La Esquina which happens to be one of the best taco spots in NYC (and after tasting, I wholeheartedly agree). It looked like an airstream with minimal space inside and a constant stream of people waiting in line to get a hold of a taco made for the mexican food lover’s dream. There is a nicer sit down portion to the restaurant right next door, and from what I hear the basement is even grander. Worth a peek if not a taste!

Sara Kerens PhotographySaraKerens-6589SaraKerens-6658NYC Coffee

We did a little shopping in Topshop and ended at Little Fox Cafe coffee spot for iced mochas. What I really love about NYC is the different styles and stories from people’s lives that merge into it’s own culture. The sweetest barista let Sara take photos of her serving customers. I loved her style!

Had such a good time with these gals. You have got to check out their sites! You will be overwhelmed by their talent! Maria de los Soles (a long time friend who started Beauty Found) Brynn Ellitott (Being Elliott) and Sara Kerens (fashion photographer who took all of these photos! Sara Kerens Photography)

Can’t wait to get back to this city someday soon. I am taking note to visit in May when the weather is much kinder than February;)

Wearing: Romper: Love Sadie (on sale!) // Sandals: Just Fab // Hat: Shop Sosie c/o // Bag: Wink & Winn c/o

The Perfect Nude Pump

July 8, 2014

Electric BlueElectric Blue | In Honor of DesignWearing: Dress: J.Crew (on super sale) // Clutch: BaliELF c/o // Sunnies: Old Navy //  Necklace: Roe BLVD // Pumps: ShoeMint c/o 

As you can tell I am over the posey pics, so we played around with movement and shadows this go around. The shoes made me do it you know….

I have a tendency to avoid looks that are too matchy-matchy so throwing in a nude pump with some bold electric blue is my way of throwing off the expected. It’s tough to find a good nude pump though, I tell ya what! I searched high and wide. So when ShoeMint offered to team up again, I said sure…… as long as you throw me a nude pump that can kick the tires and light the fires! (Wink wink.) 

As you can see, these do the trick and they really do kick it too the curb on all fronts!  Comfortable believe it or not, not too round, not too pointy, and that perfect hue of blush nude. I can even do my squat jumps and not topple over so we are winning. A few other fab things you should know about ShoeMint in case you aren’t familiar: Free shipping both ways (tops my list!), refined materials such as leather and suede at an affordable price point, AND new styles are added monthly which makes it fun to re-visit. Whenever I login I see what shoes are geared towards my style profile, and always I nod my head and say “mmmmhmmm….you got that right.” On par every time!

UPDATE: Giveaway closed.

This post is sponsored by ShoeMint. It is 100% my own opinion. Thank you for supporting the companies that make this blog possible!

Outtake Reel: Fourth of July

July 7, 2014

backyard evenings4thProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 presetSteam engine paradeProcessed with VSCOcam with f1 preset

4th of July is a huge celebration in my extended family, but since we are traveling next week, we stayed put and enjoyed the long weekend with some friends. Fireworks, steam engine parade, pool time, s’more making…..you get the idea. I am taking some much needed time off in July for the most part. No big events, workshops, or even big blog projects (I have some content already done that I will be sharing:))!  For the first time in a looooong time, I had no big deadline looming over my head and was able to spend a solid four days with my sweet family with no interruptions. I even baked a pie friends. It was grand.

I think as a blogger there is a pressure we can put on ourselves to only post perfect photos. I value good photography and keeping strong visuals, but when it comes to my family, some of the best photos that capture the moment are in my outtake real. so I thought it would be appropriate to show you a bunch of outtake (and a few that made the instagram cut;)) snaps from my iphone that are actually some of my very favorite. Happy Monday. I know it might be a groggy one, so enjoy this.

Nena & Co. + Giveaway

July 2, 2014

Nena and Co | IHODDouble Twist BraidNena and Co via In Honor of DesignSummer Lounging

When I was in L.A., I had a little time to meet up with some friends I have kept in touch with for a while through the blog world and finally got to connect with in real life! Ali of Nena & Co. was one of them. She is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful gals I have ever met, and she had a heart of gold to match! I loved getting to chat with her about all the behind the scenes ins and outs of our crazy entrepreneur lives. 

And I believe I am not the only one who goes a little nutty for everything in her shop. We wanted to team up again to give one you all a new Day Bag II (it’s dreamy!) AND a pair of Corte Leather Loafers! To enter, head on over to instagram! Good luck friends!

Love, Anna (and Ali!)

Wearing: Tee: J.Crew (on clearance!) // Denim: Free People // Shoes: Shop Dress Up // Sunnies: H&M (similar)

The Brand Market: Chicago here we come!

July 1, 2014

hey chicago

This rad photo of Carly by Eslee

Hey Chicago entrepreneurs,
I can’t wait to see your beautiful city again and tackle business talk with you!
The Brand Market is heading your way and for the first time, we will have break out sessions with the coolest bunch of super savvy men and women who are ready to help you take your brand to the next level! Mandy Kellogg Rye will be my main co-host with three other group session leaders that will target specific topics you will be able to choose from. Whether you are a blogger, shop owner, photographer, florist, brick and mortar shop, or just beginning to dream your idea, this workshop is designed for you! And you can write it off as a tax deduction for business learning and development!

The workshop will be held at the breathtaking Palm Court at Loyola University. Ticket sales are now live and there are only 20 spots, so snag one here.
Can’t wait to meet you!

P.S. D.C. you are next! Mark your calendar – September 20th!

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