Kitchen Pendant Round Up + What We Chose

March 7, 2022

Our island pendants were the last big piece we were waiting on to wrap up our kitchen, and they were backordered for months. Since I couldn’t find one I felt like fit the space as well as these Perry Pendants, I decided to wait it out. When they arrived I was holding my breath hoping they would turn out as fantastic as I was confident they were going to be.


My Home “Office” + Dresser Mirror Round Up

February 17, 2022

My home “office” rotates rooms and atmospheres depending on the day, but more consistently it’s this corner of my room. Someday we may have a dedicated office space, but for now this cozy spot is a great place for me to write, design, and pound out emails when I need to.

winter skin and hair care

Winter Favorites

January 26, 2022

winter skin and hair care

Winter in the south isn’t half as long or as cold as winters in the midwest where I grew up. So for the sake of my northern friends I will avoid complaining. However, I admit the early sunsets and dark mornings turn me into an actual slug. After listening to a 1000 hrs outside podcast, I am determined to change both my winter gear and my mindset. Today I am passing along some recommendations of things that have gotten me through the postpartum and winter months with a little more grace.


Pantry + Refrigerator Organization

January 19, 2022

pantry organization

I think we have finally figured out a place for everything in the kitchen. It took some time cooking and prepping meals to get a feel for where we wanted things, but we are getting there! We took advantage of some snowy weekends to empty and re-organize everything post-holiday. So how about an inside look at our current fridge, pantry, and a even few cabinets!

spice drawer organization

Kitchen Series: Drawer Organization

January 12, 2022

spice drawe

I know we haven’t even done an official kitchen tour yet! Since we are waiting on a few things before we can photograph the space, we might as well show you how we are organizing it:) Without fail every January I get the itch to organize every drawer and shelf around the house.


Home project goals for 2022.

January 11, 2022

It’s that time of year where we come out of the clouds of the holidays and re-visit our life projection plan. We break down our priorities and re-set any tangents happening;) It is a time to review our direction in all areas of life – marriage, family, home, etc. Today we are going to share the project goals we have for our current home here in Nashville for the upcoming year. I have learned to really appreciate the process of our home evolving with us over time. Maybe not so much the chaos of our kitchen being out of commission while juggling homework and dinner time, but you get the idea. Our goal with our renovation has always been to create a home environment that is conducive to the flow of our daily life. A place that makes us all feel at home to rest, play, work, and spend time together.


A new year letter: Staying the course.

January 5, 2022

A fresh new year. I have written my way though the past decade here on IHOD, which is hard to wrap my mind around! At the beginning of 2021, I wrote out some very clear guidelines I knew I needed to re-visit for the year. After hitting burnout year after year, I was coming to realize the pace of consuming, creating, and sharing on the internet was taking a toll. As social media came on the scene, we continued to adapt and change to keep up, and I slowly felt the time and energy suck take it’s toll. We no longer were creating and sharing in a way that was serving our mental health well, which affects every area of your life. I created a list of boundaries for myself, and it made room for much more peace and contentment than I had ever had. Despite the many difficulties the year brought, I felt better equipped with the tools to stay focused on our purpose and priorities.

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