Packing for a Winter Week for a family of 5…

December 12, 2013

Packing Tips

Les Petites Darlings Packing Tips and Tricks | IHOD Smax
^^Max’s pants are from Les Petites Darlings!  (Patch Sweater and Hat from Old Navy)^^

As you know, recently we headed up to the great mitten and spent a week in a white wintery city with family. It was quite wonderful, although packing and unpacking were quite the feat. Packing for a family of 5 for a week in cold weather is not for the faint of heart. I did however have some fantastic tips come through when I was trying to figure it all out. As we gear up for another road trip for Christmas, I thought I would pass some of these helpful tips along!


Bag your outfits. A few people recommended I pack outfits in separate gallon sized bags. I put Veronica’s and Max’s outfits down to the socks/tights in bags so that I could keep track of what went with what for which day. It also made it easier for Gabe when he was getting them dressed for me. I only packed 5-7 outfits for them (they wear their clothes hard and usually need changed in the middle of the day), with a few extra tops and pants. When clothes are dirty they go back in the plastic bag.

Do your laundry. Simple but so helpful. My sister in law graciously let us do laundry while we were there so we could have it all clean before we headed home and ready to unpack.

Wear the same travel outfit. I put my kids in a comfortable travel outfit that they wore the same day they traveled home. I also did the same and it just keeps it easy to remember and saves a little room.

Repeat. I used to be a girl who would pack a different pair of shoes for each day. Excessive I know. I packed a million just in case things and for this, I have had some interesting stories happen from getting my luggage onto planes (for another time perhaps;)). Since becoming a mother and working on simplifying my life, I now want to make things smooth and easy if possible. So, I only packed a few basic tops, sweaters, and pants, and mix matched throughout the week. I brought one pair of boots and one pair of wellies for the snow. I managed to fit into one suitcase and did perfectly fine!

Hat & Glove Tote – I kept all of our hats, gloves, and scarves in this tote that was waterproof with lots of pockets. It kept everyone’s sets separate (for a day at least:)) and the kids knew where to find them when they needed.

Ask ahead. – If you have to pack larger items (in my case a pack and play and stroller), It might be possible that the people you are staying with have the items or have a friend who does. Hotels often have pack and plays as well. Think through what you will need and ask in advance if its possible to borrow larger items so you don’t have to pack.


1) SNACK BAG. The snack bag is filled with items that are easy to hand out and are mess free. We stagger them throughout a long trip and it keeps all parties happy. Including the driver.

2) Activity backpacks – We got some backpacks just in time from Paul Frank and the kids chose their favorite books and activities to pack in their bags for the trip. It was what I directed them to when they got squirrely. Magnet boards, coloring books, etc.

3) Mini DVD player. Gabe sings the praises of the mini dvd player all the time to his friends. Its been our favorite way to solve near meltdowns when that 7th hour hits.

4) Music – It’s kind of a given. I don’t hear a peep out of my kids when Raffi is playing:)

As for Gabe, he does his own thing…..which usually involves a stuffed backpack with a pair of shoes that doesn’t fit inside and randomly sits somewhere in the car;)

What about you all? Favorite tricks and tips for travel?

Gift Guide: For the Menfolk by Buckets and Spades

December 11, 2013

gift guide for men

A good men’s lifestyle blog are few and far between, but oh have I got a good one for you! Buckets and Spades is a regular read. 
Mat is England based and has extremely good taste. Gabe actually has his blog bookmarked in Flipboard up there with the art of manliness. I hope you all will enjoy his blog as much as we do! 

I had to ask Mat’s help in rounding up a good gift guide for the menfolk who can sometimes be the trickiest to buy for. Here are his top picks (you will love his English lingo)….take it away Mat!

1 – The Dania Bottle Opener is one of the nicest I’ve seen this year. It’s simple, lightweight and it opens the nicely liquid known to man.
2 – Northern Goods Co. Key Clip. I had to include this because it’s my favorite piece from our own small accessories line. The Key Clip is handmade in our studio in Lancashire, England and has been made from materials sourced from round the USA and UK. Attached your keys and wallet, you’re good to go.
3 – No Bar Fights (please)! Tanner Goods makes stuff and they make stuff good, these leather beer mats are at the top of my Christmas wishlift. They’ve been designed in partnership with Portland State Uni School of Art & Design.
4 – I’ve always been into the idea of indoor sports, if this Charlie Noble Bat & Ball set landed under my tree I’d be arranging tournaments like there’s no tomorrow. The balls are manufactured by the oldest ball maker in the UK.
5 – Put your furry friend into a proper headlock with this Mustache Wrestler Wax. Bully!
6 – Designed with both climbers as much as it is for city folk, Topo backpacks are the best you’ll find on the market. Made by super cool folk in Denver.
7 – Safety is first, but when safety looks so good you’ll want to sup up your bike with a hundred of these like a crazy man. This Seafoam Green lock light is Bookman’s limited edition colour.
8 – Everyone like a cup of tea or coffee right? Well go easy on that and get right on the eggnog this Christmas, you can be nice and discreet with these Best Made Steadfast Enamel Cups. Double dipped in enamel for extra long life.

December skies and the Eve of the New Year

December 9, 2013

Big sweaters - IHOD
November Layers

November | In Honor of Design

November layers - IHOD
^^What am I doing? The robot??^^
November skiesPeac coat + Knits
Coat: Sheinside
Sweater: Sheinside
Tank: c/o Love Threads
Coated Denim: c/o Henry & Belle
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell  (sold out but similar)
Tote: c/o Balielf

Its only December 9th, but I already have my New Years resolution…

If you have read some of my more recent posts you may have guessed there has been an inner struggle going on with my role as a blogger. It IS my part time job, but it is also an extension of who I am. They seem to butt heads sometimes. To refresh your memory, I almost quit blogging altogether every month…

I battle the line between wanting to share raw honest content and wanting to share only aspirational work. The fine line between Dirty laundry vs. Highlight Reel. And whileI have had this on my mind all year, the resolution is only now slowly forming.

I guess I am just realizing that with millions of new blogs starting each year, I might as well stop trying to chase what I think this blog should be and just start breathing more naturally…putting out content that is a darn good reflection of what I love most in this world. Surprisingly, clothes are on the bottom of that list. Its fun to play with fashion, but honestly, I could give away my closet and I would be find with a uniform. Maybe I should where a uniform for a week and then see how I feel about that before saying it out loud…but you get the idea;)

The solution to all these stirrings? There is probably no perfect solution, but I have a pretty good idea of my resolution for 2014…
My hope is to blog with more quality over quantity. More intention over obligation. The truth is I will never be able to separate myself enough from the blog to push it as a professional business. It just doesn’t feel natural.

The direction of the blog will remain lifestyle and design, but you will start to see a shift. I will be introducing a new year long project and hope it will make this a space that can continue to be one that pushes me in writing, photography, art direction, and purposeful motherhood. And if you haven’t yet read this post by Sydney, I highly recommend you do so whether you are just a blog observer or a blogger. It echoes so much of what has been on my mind!

Whew! Lets get to it! Just a few weeks here before I will be taking a blog break, so hope you enjoy what I have lined up in the next few days and thank you for always being so much fun to blog for! Your encouragement keeps me going!

x, Anna

P.S. Speaking of not caring all so much about clothes;)….had to share how much I love this awesome leather tank. Layered it in this cold rainy shoot and also wore it out to The Drybar/ Nexus7 event. Its so versatile which why is what I love about it!

*All photos by the ever talented Chelsey Heidorn

Wintered for a Week

December 6, 2013

Snow Flurried - IHOD

Snow Showers - In Honor of Design Snowfall - IHOD
^^ See the other end of the photo right here😉 ^^

Jeans: c/o Articles of Society
Sweater: Thrifted
Coat: F21
Beanie: Target
Boots: Hunter c/o Shopbop (and if you are in cold weather these liners are a lifesaver)

Winter is really fun during the holidays. Its after January 1st where its not so fun anymore:) We were really lucky to get snow dumped when we were up in Michigan for Thanksgiving. The kids never see snow so they had eyes as wide as saucers. Gabe and I both grew up in the midwest, but I admit the south as spoiled me. I don’t have that tough of a skin anymore. 30 degrees has me bone chilled! But I was hoping for a snowfall. It can be the most peaceful thing you experience.

Its actually 70 degrees in Atlanta today. I almost had to get out the shorts. Such confusion!
Hope you all have the best weekend whether you are sub bathing or sledding;)

P.S. Happy feast of St. Nicholas for those who celebrate!

5 Sparkly Baubles for the Holidays

December 5, 2013

Mes Petites

From Top to Bottom: One // Two // Three // Four // Five

I have rounded up 5 sparkly options for your upcoming Christmas soirees and holiday gatherings from my sweet friend Sandy’s shop: Mes 2 Petites Etoiles. Beautiful stones and gems at a very affordable price! (I love how her chains won’t tarnish because they are gold and sterling materials.) Simple and stateworthy. (I just made that word up but it makes sense in my head…)

You might remember Sandy’s shop when I introduced her a few months back. The name of her shop means “My Two Little Stars” after who two twin sisters that passed 14 years ago. Such a beautiful tribute to them!

Happy almost weekend!!!

x, Anna

Shop Scoop: Pickwick & Weller Tees

December 3, 2013

Pickwick & Weller Tees

IHOD -Pickwick & Weller Tees Pickwick & Weller

Before choosing to spotlight any company for men, I always run it by Gabe who is a quality and integrity connoisseur;) He is usually the one reminding me to start buying pieces that will last you a long time and instead of the cheap bargain pieces because it will save you money in the long run. I am learning to be more careful about the pieces I buy and am starting to choose quality over quantity.

These tees by Pickwick & Weller are up there with the soft, high quality, “where did you find those?? tees. They come in a nifty tube unwrinkled and read to wear. Gabe has worn his under a sweater, a blazer, or a just a pair of jeans. Pickwick & Weller impressed Gabe, and of course his wife loves them too because a tee and jeans is my favorite combo on this guy!

A few fun facts you should now about this company:

  • Founded by three friends: Ashton Kutcher (who knew!?), Ryan Donahue, and Matt Rowe
  • Made in the USA
  • They cut out retailers to offer the best direct price
  • They have them for women too!

Also, Pickwick & Weller is offering 25% off to readers with orders of $50 or more here:!
You will be so impressed with their site. Check it out and let me know what you think!


*This post is sponsored by Pickwick & Weller. All opinions are our own. Thank you for supporting the companies that make this blog possible!

Moto Jackets and Memory Training

December 2, 2013

Moto Jacket + Printed Layers via IHOD

Moto Jacket + Printed Layers

IHOD- Moto Jacket + Printed Layers

Moto Jacket + Printed Layers - In Honor of Design

Jacket: F21  // Sweater: c/o Kiki LaRue // Clutch: c/o Boden (30% off today) // Necklace: Blue Skies Shop // Denim: J. Brand (on sale today!) // Watch: Aldo

How was your Thanksgiving week?
I hope you all got to rest and enjoy your families!
We really lucked out this year with our trip up to Michigan. Travels went well and for the most part, everyone stayed healthy.
It felt so good to cut off from work and soak up my kids and my nieces. They had so much fun together. We got a perfect blanket of white snow and my southern born little ones were in heaven. Veronica kept begging for a snowman:)

We had a long haul back so I downloaded Stitcher and checked out some new podcasts. This American Life and TedTalks particularly caught my attention. (Do you have any stations to recommend??) One episode was on the ability to train your memory. Hello, sign me up says the mom of three who seems to have forgotten her abc’s and how to tie her shoe as of late…
It was pretty fascinating. Here’s what the memory champ recommended…
If you are trying to remember someone’s name or number, create vivid stories that can come to life in sequence to go along with that name or number in order to “burn it into your memory.”
He memorized the sequence of an entire deck of cards by doing it in sets of three by relating each to a person, action, object. CrAzY! Simple but effective. Hey, I will try anything! Now how about helping my memory not to put the coffee pot in the fridge or leave my keys in the car? Anyone?? 😉

Happy Monday loves!
All photos by Chelsey Heidorn Photography

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