Maximilian Francis – Birth Story

July 2, 2013

anniversary date

Maximilian Francis
This little boy has surprised us in more ways than one in his first few days of life. Its a crazy thing to finally have in your hands the little person you were growing for nine months – to finally see who this little being is.

As you may remember, I had a non-birth plan to try a water birth, but kept an open mind that things could change easily when the time came. Its a good thing, because Max decided to come in his own way…much faster than I bargained for.

Baby Maximilian-Day3

Before the birth:
Gabriel and Veronica were both born on their due date so I had a gut feeling this little one would carry on the family tradition. His due date was on our 5th anniversary, June 28th. Gabe and I went out to dinner and one of our favorite spots in Atlanta where we went the night we got engaged. It was so cool for us to be able to have some time together before our family grew again. I was having strong braxton hicks throughout dinner but had been having those off and on for a few weeks so I didn’t give too much importance to them. After we got back late and went to bed I couldn’t sleep. I was in and out with that instinct that the baby was coming. I finally dozed off and woke up with a very strong contraction around 1:30 AM. I knew right away this was it. I timed the first few and they were only 4 minutes apart. I thought it was really strange, but I knew if it went anything like Veronica’s birth, that I had better respond quick.

There was no laboring at home or waiting it out. I did the rounds…

I woke up Gabe, he jumped out of bed, and quickly got into game mode. I went into the guest room where my sister Jana was staying to tell her it was time. (She has been our lifesaver these past few days taking care of Gabriel and Veronica for us. ) Having a sister to share all of this with is pretty awesome. And she told me she had never gotten to witness someone going into labor before…check that off your bucket list sista! And lastly, went in to kiss my sweet little ones one last time with tears in my eyes. I knew when I got back everything would be different. Good, but different. Its a last goodbye to a cherished phase of life with just those two.

The labor:
The contactions were intense to begin with so I told Gabe red lights were fully permissable considering we had a twenty minute drive to the hospital. He had no problem getting into speedy race car driver mode as we flew down the highway. I called the midwife almost immediately after contractions had started and was told she was already at the hospital with another birth (thank the Lord). I was trying my best to focus through the crazy pain, and had a growing sense that the baby wanted to waste no time in making his or her debut. Half way there between sharp turns and attempts at deep breathing, my water broke. I knew the water birth was not happening at that point and I started to simply pray for strength to get me through whatever was about to come. Gabe zoomed into handicapped parking right smack in front of the ER entrance. As I stepped out of the car the door seemed miles away. I wanted to just crawl at that point and from my experience with Veronica, the baby was pretty close to arriving. Don’t worry, I made it through those doors and Gabe pushed me in the wheelchair back to labor and delivery. I was so thankful for my calm and patient midwife who greeted us as we flew through those doors. I barely had time to get a gown on before I felt the baby transition. For those of you who have been through natural labor, you know this is one of the peaks of pain. Tears were flowing down my face and I wanted to hold up the white flag of surrender. What kept me going? I knew I was minutes away from meeting the little one I had been waiting so long for…

Gabe and Max

The Delivery:
They barely got the IV in and I knew it was time to push. All I will say is that what followed was the most difficult and painful experience of my life. I felt the rush of prayers of all  of my family and friends, I heard my husband’s steady words of support as he cheered me on through the last stretch, and I gave everything I had to give because I knew it was all that remained between me and my baby. Four pushes later at 3:05 am, I heard that sound you ache for as a mother to know they are alive and well….the sweet newborn cry. Gabe turned to tell me it was a boy and I almost passed out from the overwhelming mix of pain, relief, emotion, joy, and triumph. I barely had the energy to wrap my arms around my baby and I couldn’t get any words to form. I just knew that this was it….this was all worth it. I loved him so deeply already….that strange beautiful mystery of love at first sight. The phenomenon of willingly giving up your body to be broken for another being so that they can have life. Sound familiar? I certainly have a whole new level of gratitude to God for his own sacrifice for me…

post birth - max

The extras:
I knew from the moment I saw this baby boy’s black head of hair and big frame that Maximilian was going to suit him well. My last appointment, the midwife told me not to expect more than an 8 lb. baby. I had my doubts from the way I felt those last few days, and sure enough ….a whopping 9 lbs. 9 oz. 21 inches long chunker. Gabe is very proud, and I am hoping this means my dream of a chubby baby may come true. And this might very well be the first child that resembles my spanish roots! We will see. Its a Catholic tradition to name your children after role models or saints that they can look up to as they grow. The story of St. Maximilian and St. Francis of Assisi have always been a favorite of Gabe and I’s and we know they will be great guardians of little Max:)

Veronica and Max

gabriel and max

Who will you be Maximilian? Your dad and I talk about how we can’t wait to see who you become. You have a really selfless dad who will show you how to be a man of truth and fight for all that is good in this world. You have a brother and sister who think you are the bees knees and can’t stop squealing over you. I have a feeling you will get plenty of love around here. And me, well, lets just say I am a puddle of sap for you and I can’t put you down. You are snuggled up next to my leg as I write your story. We are ready to begin life with you!


P.S. Stay tuned as I share with you some of my very favorite mothers and their stories this week on IHOD as I take some time to rest and soak up time with my little ones. Thank you for all of your love, support, and prayers these past months. I am so grateful for each of you!


American Blogger the Movie

June 28, 2013

Airstream - American Blogger Documentary
American Blogger - Airstreamers

American Blogger - Smoothies


Be Little You and Me Tent

American Blogger Filming- Coffee Shop
American Blogger Filming

Airstream - Gabriel

Airstream-American Blogger
My little family and I were completely honored to be a part of Chris Wiegand’s film documentary, American Blogger.

I have such an admiration for his wife Casey, a dear blogging friend for a while now, so when asked to be a part of their family’s adventure, there was no question. I hope you all get the chance to check out his travels so far as he heads across the U.S. in an insanely cool re-vamped airstream to interview different bloggers in cities throughout the nation. The documentary will be available on itunes when it is complete. I cannot wait to see who else will be a part of this.

One thing we talked about is how cool this whole blogging world is. It connects different paths of life in a very unique and real way. Why is that? Maybe because many of us share such a big part of our life experiences, get real vulnerable, and share many aspects of our lives to the public. Its a crazy thing that can shape a part of your lives and also help you understand each other in an unspoken way. 

When Chris made his pitsop in Atlanta, it was a Sunday afternoon, which made it easy to just do our normal thing…outfit post, favorite coffee shop (where we get the best iced teas and smoothies in the area), and playing with the kids. He caught it all on film. Gabriel and Veronica were kind of clueless as to what was going on which made it easy. Love their little worlds and having them be a part of everything I do as a blogger. 

Thank you Chris, for being so cool to work with, letting us witness your creative talent, and of course for getting a peak inside your rad airstream. My kids (and hubs) really enjoyed your visit. We can’t wait to see where this adventure takes you, and are grateful to be a part of it!

Follow along on Chris Wiegand’s websiteInstagram, and his wife Casey’s blog!


*Tent c/o Be Little You and Me

ShoeMint Giveaway

June 27, 2013

Shoemint Sandals Maternity Style - Full term

I have had my eye on these bad boys for a while now, so when they arrived in the mail, I didn’t want to wait to post baby to slip them on….or should I say shove them on my swollen feet..? 😉 I have all sorts of plans for these once I have more balance back in my life. I topple over a little too easily as of late.

Anyways, if you haven’t yet heard of ShoeMint, get ready to get on board. And if you have, well than you are probably already excited about the words ShoeMint and Giveaway in the same post title;) Too good of a site to pass up. I have realized that if I spot shoes that I swoon for on pinterest, they usually end up being from ShoeMint! Probably because they are designed by Rachel Bilson (l.o.v.e. her style) and stylist Nicole Chavez. I am always checking in on the site because they come up with new styles monthly and although they look like they will cost quite the hefty dollar, they are always the same price….and always genuine leather and suede.

Other perks: Manufactured by Steve Madden and Free shipping and returns (always a hit with me). Sold yet? Ready to win your own pair? This one is really simple. Just visit ShoeMint, sign up (free and no obligation to buy), and let us know what pair you would like to own in the comments below! So just one entry per person. Open to U.S. and Canada only. Winner will be drawn a week from today! Best of luck!!

P.S. If you need the extra push to try out a pair of ShoeMint puppies, first time buyers receive 20% off! 

UPDATE: The lucky winner is #83 – Anne! Congratulations! Thanks to all who entered!

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Hospital Bag Survival Kit

June 26, 2013

hospital bag essentials

Hospital Bag Essentials - Little Hip Squeaks

I have finally arrived. My due date is Friday and next week I will most likely have my new little one in my arms. I have spent the last few days dotting my i’s and crossing my t’s and am thankful to have this time to prepare and rest up. It has been a whirlwind month so these last few days were so needed. Gabriel and Veronica are anxiously awaiting the baby I keep talking about that is going to be all theirs:)

After going through this a few times, I realized packing a bag for the hospital is way easier once you know what you are going into. There are only a few things you actually need and use, and several things you think you will need that never get touched. (ie: that book I thought I would have time to read?!)

These are just a few things I know I will use in those first few days with my little one:

Comfy tees and pajamas – get me out of those hospital gowns! I am packing the softest tees, gown, and pajama bottoms to wear as soon as they let me!

Bumped by Blanqi postpartum tank – to help with post partum support and first days of nursing. So helpful with those post birth cramps and first attempts to feed.

Lara Bars: For when the hospital food doesn’t quite cut the bill. There the only bars I have found without sugars that provide a good amount of protein and fiber.

Soft and snuggle worthy baby clothes – I have a few boy and girl outfits ready to go passed down from Gabriel and Veronica. The take home outfits are c/o Little Hip Squeaks. (I die over everything in her shop!) Since we happen to have two “M” names picked out that we most likely will use, I just made onesies in both colors. I am never this prepared btw..

Healing Balm – I used this balm from Honest Co. on my belly throughout my pregnancy to help when it was feeling dry and tight. Plan on using it for deep moisturizing for baby and I in case we need it.

Aeromatherapy Hot/cold Pack – I mentioned this in my First Trimester Survival Kit post and will most certainly use it on tired, sore, and achy muscles in the hospital.

Blankets – Packing some swaddlers and just one extra blanket for me to feel a little more at home:) (The one pictured is from Dwell Studio)

Not pictured: All those lovely feminine products and pads we are doomed to the first weeks post partum, my rosary for spiritual strength, and my own ibuprofen since they charge you for every single thing you use of theirs insurance or not!

What were/are some of your essentials for the hospital??




Announcing: The Brand Market

June 24, 2013

As some of you have gathered through instagram, it has been an eventful week! I did not originally intend to have everything fall on one week, but the way I look at it, better to have it fall on those weeks when you have all that nesting energy right? Well, today is the day we are so excited to share a creative idea we have been working on for a while! We are thrilled to announce….

The Brand Marketmeet the team

I am a lucky girl. I met two of the coolest gals in the Atlanta area who shared the same vision of wanting to help creative business owners make their brand a successful one. Not only that, but these girls are photographers and graphic designers with loads of experience on what makes a brand thrive.

Savannah, Jenny, and I got together some months back to discuss how we could best offer a resource for entrepreneurs who have approached us with branding, photography, blogging, and marketing questions. We came up with a solution that got us giddy excited to share and we hope it will become a great resource for some of you! We are so proud to launch these workshops and can’t wait to share more details! Visit the site for current information, and stay tuned for the new website coming in August!


A little about what we will cover in the trifecta of the creative business world:

Photography – We tend to be visual people. The key to an attractive site is strong phtography. We will be covering everything from photo lighting tips to post processing. Styling a creative set up and personal portraits are also on the menu. To hear more about how we will tackle aspects of photography and styling we will cover, visit Savannah!

Branding – A Strong Brand Identity can make an impacting first impression and a lasting one. We will be providing one on one brand consultations, as well as the going through the steps to integrating a successful brand throughout every aspect of your business. To hear more about what we will be working through on this topic, visit Jenny!

Marketing – You can have the most ingenius product or brilliant site in the world, but if you do not market your business, it most likely will not thrive. Marketing is the wheels on the vehicle. I had to learn and navigate my way through  this aspect of being an entrepreneur and wish I would have had a workshop that went through all the A,B, and C’s for me!  We are going to do our best to bring you the best tips for marketing strategy, the do’s and don’ts, the power of the right tools, and the most natural way to find your niche in the creative realm. We will be your partner in arming you with all of the right resources to feel confident in your brand, and share it in the most effective ways.


Our first workshop will launch here in Atlanta, GA on Oct. 9th, with a second workshop to follow in Greenville, SC! *We might be spreading our wings to more cities! Email us if this is something you would want to see come to your town and if we get enough requests from a certain city, we may just put it in our schedule in the upcoming year!

We would so appreciate your support along the way of our new venture!
We have set up ways for you to be the first to know about details of The Brand Market and behind the scenes previews as our business unfolds:
Hashtag #brandmarketworkshop



Shop Scoop: Hugh & Crye

June 21, 2013

Hugh and Crye | IHOD
Hugh and Crye Shirts
Hugh and Crye Tailored Fit


*Aubrey Shirt c/o Hugh and Crye

As you may have gathered, my husband is usually the one behind the camera around here. Once in a while, I ask him if he would oblige me with a couple posers.
What a champ for obliging me.  So here’s his best  serious shots;) His nickname on the Rugby field in college was “Hansel”…can you guess why?? Owen Wilson might have something to do with it…

Gabe is a middle school teacher and administrator and so he is dedicated to the shirt and tie look during the school year. The beard is a summer thing, but it suits him well, no?
He rarely finds shirts that fit right off the shelf. He has to have them tailored since he is a taller and narrower build. When we were introduced to Hugh and Crye and their easy fit guide, we were all about giving it a try. The shirt fits him like a glove.  No tailoring required. Score. I’ll be honest, this shade of blue and the fit has me feeling a little intimidated by his good looks….;) Needless to say this site will be a frequent shop we visit….not to mention the design and set up is superb.

So a few Q’s for the man of the hour…we can’t let him slip by unheard from can we??

Thoughts on the new shirt?

Fantastic shirt! I have a hard time finding button down shirts to fit properly and therefore nearly always need to have them tailored. This one fit spot on straight away. Light and comfortable, but for those who are regular tie wearers this means a little more challenging to iron. Small price to pay for the quality, and as my wife knows I am all about quality…

Last movie you saw?

Man of Steel. I enjoyed it. Good story line. Good cinematography and style. And Clark in a beard reminds me of, well, ME! So thats a plus. (I may or may not be serious…)  Although as a staunch comic book fan there were a few things about the movie that bothered me a bit, but that is because I am a purist. The average viewer probably wouldn’t pick up and point out these elements, but there are many over the internet if you would like to find them.

Cool website or app you like to frequent?

Favorite app is without a doubt  Flipboard. I am a news and information junkie and with the Flip I can customize and compile many different news sources into one location, giving me diverse points of view. Also a great source to put all of one’s blogs and feeds in one place.

Baby #3 is about to make its debut. Are you ready?

Can you ever be fully ready? Nope. That’s why I am just enjoying this phase of life with a brood of two and soaking up the time in order to properly enjoy the next phase with a brood of three. Being ready set aside, I am incredibly excited! How can I not be? We are bringing another life into the world, and if this life is anything like the goofballs which procede him or her it is going to be one entertaining ride. I just hope this one will be tough enough to hold his or her own against my two current tornadoes.

Happy weekend friends!

 P.S. Some really exciting news happening over the weekend if you want to follow along on instagram! ALSO, a big announcement coming to you on Monday! (As if having a baby wasn’t enough, right??)


Fourth of July Recipes: 50 Stars BBQ Chicken, Avocado Cucumber Salad, and Lemon Blueberry Bars

June 20, 2013

50 Stars BBQ Chicken | IHOD
4th of July Menu - 50 Stars BBQ Chicken - IHOD

Post by talented sister Maria. 

I started dreaming about  what the big summer holiday menu would be in May. (I know, I’m weird, and my brain thinks in food sometimes).
In my own family, the Fourth of July Recipes always included something on the grill, something cool and refreshing, and something patriotically sweet.
So here we go with a Firecracker Menu!

– 50 Stars Barbecue Chicken
– Avocado Cucumber Salad
– Lemon Blueberry Bars

We’ll also make sure there’s lots of Grillin’ Beans,  Chips and Dips, and Sweet Tea on hand!


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