wallpaper closet - whimsical wallpaper

Closet Makeover Steps + Pattered Wallpaper Options

February 9, 2021

Before we were crazy enough to wallpaper our entire dining room we had a little warm up with Chiara’s closet. It had been a while since our last wallpaper attempt, and it took a bit to find a groove. All in all it wasn’t too bad considering we only had one panel that didn’t survive, and Gabe and I survived the tense close quarters scenario without hating each other! Today I am sharing a good look at the before and after as well as supplies we used, and 12 other whimsical wallpapers that would make for some happy closet spaces.


Getting used to the unexpected. A life update.

February 5, 2021

first trimester - pregnancy

I have been blogging for a decade now. That feels crazy to write. Instagram in many ways has replaced how and what I used to share here since it was where the majority of our readers like to hang out.

However, I was reading some old posts the other day, all of which I had forgotten about. Stories and experiences that still stirred up memories as if they had just happened, and it reminded me of why it still matters to me to write sometimes. I no longer have it in me to share deeply personal things online anymore, but I do think there is a need for truth and reality in a seemingly endless sea of online perfectionism. What we all need now more than anything is camaraderie and connection. Our goal with IHOD has always been to share in a way that invites you in and allows you to be encouraged, to feel welcome, and hopefully uplifted along the way. So how about a brief life update?


Dining Room Update + Lighting Round Up

February 1, 2021

Dining room design - wallpaper - chandelier - lighting

We finished the dining room wallpaper project just before Christmas break! It was a challenge to say the least, but since the wallpaper we used was thicker it was easier to apply than removable. We are really close to the end result for this room! The chandelier arrived, so sharing some updated views!


21 Ideas to Declutter + Organize Your Home

January 27, 2021

Every year I go through it. The sudden urge to declutter, organize, and minimize every corner of my life. It doesn’t come naturally to me, and I have to really think through and write a list to make things happen. It’s a habit I am working on for the overall flow and function of our home! Writing a list made it seem instantly less intimidating. Sharing the list I tackled last year in case you also hit turbo clean mode at any point this season. I have experienced in my own life that physically decluttering gives our minds mental clarity and space to breath! ​​​​​​​


Kitchen Series: Going Green

January 19, 2021

Green cabinet paint colors - IHOD

You may remember I originally debated between timeless white and going green. I originally was worried more about re-sale value, but chances are we will be here a good long while. So I re-focused on the original goal of renovating this house to what feels more like us! That being said, color is always what I am drawn to most, and I think it’s possible to use timeless shades. After researching several color options, we are going GREEN after all. Below is a cheat sheet of fantastic green paint colors for kitchen cabinets too.


Most Used Items of the Year

January 15, 2021

most used items - IHOD

I thought it was time to pass along my tried and true list of most used items this year. I usually only like to recommend a product if I am really sure about it. These really did bless the mess of 2020. I would love to hear yours as well!

vintage art and dresser

Dresser Makeover + Paint Spray Gun We Use

January 12, 2021

dresser makeover using a spray pain gun

We are nearing the end of Chiara’s room design, and something I realized through this process was that color makes me really happy. I knew that, but we lived in an open first floor plan with our last home for a long time so white walls were everywhere. My 2021 goal? More color inside the walls of my own home. The only thing we can seem to control these days anyways, dang it!

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