master bedroom design - platform bed

Bedroom Challenge: Work with what you have!

August 26, 2020

master bedroom design - platform bed

Our home is a bit of an explosion of boxes and piles right now. It’s a mess. With the outer world a mess and our own home a mess, I could feel my own interior stress rising. So I committed to the challenge of using what we had to arrange our bedroom into a place of peace. This is what we came up with…


Weekend Notes: Fall Capsule, removing shutters, safe phones for kids, and more.

August 21, 2020

1) There are changes you can make to your home that make a big difference, that cost zero dollars. I really love the wood shutters that our new house has, but they blocked so much natural light. We decided to remove them in the back part of the house this week and it already feels more like home! I know I know, some of you were cringing! Our poll on stories was a true split 50/50…


The Nursery! Room Plans + Mood Boards

August 18, 2020

nursery design

We are getting a start on the first room design in the new house…and it is for little miss Chiara! Quite an upgrade from the bedroom in our closet at the old house! In cased you missed, here is the post where I shared the design direction goal for this home. I though peach paint was fitting for Chiara whose siblings lovingly refer to as Cheech the peach.

open bookshelves - design by IHOD

Styling The Open Bookshelves

August 12, 2020

How to style open bookshelves

I used to wait to get rooms situated until I was ready to make it exactly how I envisioned it. That would result in blank walls, and things in boxes for far too long. I’ve given up on waiting for perfect, and embraced the practice of making the most of what you have in the NOW. Before we start on some of the more time consuming projects in our home, we got to work on some of the instant gratification projects to help make us feel more settled. Styling some of the large open shelving units was one of them.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


The design direction for the new house.

August 5, 2020

(Via Dabito)

Since we are starting with a blank slate just like our last home, I wanted to take a little time to think through the design direction. I think it will help us a good deal to have an overall vision to guide all the big and small decisions we are going to face. Kind of like a life projection plan for a house. LOLZ. Here are some initial thoughts…


A tour of our new home!

August 3, 2020

We made it through the whirlwind of moving states, and are coming out on the other side a little disheveled but standing. We want to give you a tour of our new home! It’s been one week since we got the keys, and we have already met so many kind and welcoming people in our neighborhood. What an impact that can make when you are feeling the weight of leaving a place you love. We already know are going to really like it here.


A Budget Bathroom Makeover

July 22, 2020

For this small bathroom upstairs, we got the opportunity to partner with Peerless Faucet for one last hurrah in this home! This project is a good reminder that there are so many ways to transform spaces. Sometimes it’s as simple as a paint swatch, and other times you need to start from scratch. For this bathroom we were able to keep the demo work minimal, and I really love the outcome.

Here is a good look at the bathroom before we started!

bathroom flooring - luxury vinyl flooring

The first thing we did was rip out the old linoleum flooring. You know, a good adrenaline rush to get things going. Since we had already used this flooring in our other bathroom project, Gabe was familiar with how to work with it, and was able to cut, click, and install in one day. It’s an engineer grade tile that gives a really nice seamless look to your floors.

matte black bathroom sink faucet

We switched out the faucet to the Peerless Precept™ Centerset Faucet. I like how Peerless offers affordable faucets in a range of styles and finishes. The minimal design of the Precept Collection adds a modern touch to the bathroom at a great price point! It’s minimal, clean cut, and easy to clean! That Matte Black finish paired really well with the warmer flooring and wall tones as well. We used the tub and faucet trim kit from the same Precept line, and ohhhh what a satisfying change! I love a good faucet swap! It is made of forged brass and temperature control is smooth and seamless.

Tip: If you aren’t sure if a certain tub or faucet set will work with your current setup, you can always contact the company to see if they are compatible with the valve you currently have installed.For example, Peerless is part of the Delta Faucet Company portfolio so all brands across DFC use the same valve.

We also took the walls from toothpaste blue to a warmer shade called “Riverdale” by Behr. It was a good compliment to the bedroom next to it that is painted “Oil Cloth” by Benjamin Moore. A great color for bathrooms with zero natural light.

bathroom pendant

A few other details we swapped were lighting and bathroom accessories. I don’t recommend a solo light for a bathroom, but this particular light was originally installed off center, and it left us with a spacing dilemma. It still lights up the bathroom ok, but you would usually want a two or three bulb fixture for a bathroom this size for more even lighting. I loved this option though, as the pendant was under $50!

bathroom art
black shower curtain rod

We also added the towel bar, toilet paper handle, and re-purposed some vintage art. I was quite literally hammering nails in the wall hours before the first home showings started. Procrastinating and performing under pressure are my specialties. 


bathroom makeover


Flooring – $60
Sink Faucet – $249
Towel Bar – $28​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Shower Curtain – $25
Shower Curtain Rod – $25
Shower curtain Rings – $6
Tub and Faucet Trim Kit – $206
Art – Thrift store + $20
Light fixture – $49
_______Total cost: $668

This was a bittersweet end to this renovation chapter in our home. We get the keys to our new house this weekend!

Have any questions for us? Happy to answer below!

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