Actually had a chunk of time to set up the boys room this week! All of their old familiar things just re-arranged and minimized into a smaller space!
VIEW FULL POSTActually had a chunk of time to set up the boys room this week! All of their old familiar things just re-arranged and minimized into a smaller space!
VIEW FULL POSTWhat a whirlwind month! It feels like I am just floating around aimlessly half the time not knowing where to begin with our piles of boxes and project list a mile long. We downsized in storage space, which in a way is a good thing. It forces you to minimize and let go of things you aren’t using.
Nashville though? We really love it so far. It is full of lush green views and kind people. There have been many new neighbors who have left things on our doorstep and waved shouts of welcome every time they walk by. It has been so comforting in a time where everything feels flipped upside down.
We decided to move before the pandemic even began. We knew we needed to move for long term goals of community, planting roots, and good school options. We didn’t know what to expect this year, but the school we initially enrolled them started a few weeks ago. They are attending with all day mask wearing and a bunch of safety precautions the school carefully prepared. I respect our teachers so much as they navigate many new guidelines.
(When the kids surprised me with birthday breakfast.)
We don’t know what to expect this year, and continue to follow the state updates. These are such strange and surreal days, and yet in my children’s little worlds they are always positive and adapting. They are just so happy to be able to see people and bring a packed lunch to school. ha! I always feel like a perpetual student in the school of motherhood.
We are also feeling immense gratitude to even be able to put our hands to work again, and keep the ship afloat. I know it is a privilege to even have the option. Thinking of so many of you navigating difficult scenarios. I hope you find renewed strength and hope. Thank you for connecting with us here!
Our home is a bit of an explosion of boxes and piles right now. It’s a mess. With the outer world a mess and our own home a mess, I could feel my own interior stress rising. So I committed to the challenge of using what we had to arrange our bedroom into a place of peace. This is what we came up with…
VIEW FULL POST1) There are changes you can make to your home that make a big difference, that cost zero dollars. I really love the wood shutters that our new house has, but they blocked so much natural light. We decided to remove them in the back part of the house this week and it already feels more like home! I know I know, some of you were cringing! Our poll on stories was a true split 50/50…
VIEW FULL POSTWe are getting a start on the first room design in the new house…and it is for little miss Chiara! Quite an upgrade from the bedroom in our closet at the old house! In cased you missed, here is the post where I shared the design direction goal for this home. I though peach paint was fitting for Chiara whose siblings lovingly refer to as Cheech the peach.
VIEW FULL POSTI used to wait to get rooms situated until I was ready to make it exactly how I envisioned it. That would result in blank walls, and things in boxes for far too long. I’ve given up on waiting for perfect, and embraced the practice of making the most of what you have in the NOW. Before we start on some of the more time consuming projects in our home, we got to work on some of the instant gratification projects to help make us feel more settled. Styling some of the large open shelving units was one of them.
VIEW FULL POSTSince we are starting with a blank slate just like our last home, I wanted to take a little time to think through the design direction. I think it will help us a good deal to have an overall vision to guide all the big and small decisions we are going to face. Kind of like a life projection plan for a house. LOLZ. Here are some initial thoughts…