Going Green + Choosing the right swatches, color matching samples, and selecting the details.

August 6, 2019

Sources: Bed / Rug / Glass Vases / Throw / Crib / Dresser – Paint swatches on the top via Magnolia (a few I am considering!) and bottom via Coco Kelly.

I’ve been itching to do a room design that incorporates some deep olive green paint, but wasn’t sure if we could swing it in our own home. Now that we are moving rooms around though, an opportunity opened up to re-design a bedroom. I am going to share the process from start to finish, so first things first….paint colors! Finding the right shades of green paint, color matching paint samples, testing paint in your space, and choosing what finish to use…


Girls Room Closet Makeover

August 1, 2019

With the new baby coming we have been shifting rooms, and subsequently closets! It’s a crazy amount of things that can accumulate in such small spaces, and today we get to share the before, during, and after of a closet clean out + makeover of our girls’ room. (Custom shelves and clothing bar DIY here!)


Five for Friday: A new school, shop update, plans for the future, and more…

July 19, 2019

1. A new baby coming means we are shifting rooms and closets around again! I usually have the baby stay in a bassinet in my room for the first 6 months, but we have yet to figure out what sleeping arrangements we will do after that. I spent a good two hours deep cleaning the boys room yesterday, and suddenly it feels like new to them;) Max couldn’t stop thanking me for making his bed so nice which made me laugh so hard. They spent the rest of the day in there building legos and playing games. Amazing what a deep clean will do for the mind! (For both me and the boys!) I will be posting an updated boys room tour next week showing the process of when we started on it till now!


The Best of Amazon Prime Day

July 15, 2019

Amazon Prime Day is our favorite sale of the year! If it helps, bookmark this page as we will be updating the best deals throughout the next two days. Gabe and I both went through all categories, and will only be sharing what we feel are the best deals available.


Day in the life: Summer schedule.

July 12, 2019

(Laughing at Gabe who was doing his best monkey impersonation.)

The summer as a parent + business owner is a complete marathon! We did the majority of our traveling in June so July we have tried to settle into a somewhat lose routine for the sake of everyone’s sanity. We seem to have a revolving door of kids in and out of our front and backyard from dawn till dusk, and this simple schedule has helped remind our kids that mom and dad aren’t able to be their live entertainment every hour of every day;) Below is a lose breakdown of what our days look like right now!


Kids’ Closet Storage Ideas

July 10, 2019

Custom kids closet idea via A Beautiful Mess

With a new baby on the way, a domino effect of shifting rooms and closets has commenced! Our bedroom closets are pretty simple in size, but I think they could be used more efficiently with a few changes. If you follow us on instagram you can check out instagram stories all week for the step by step process of our girls’ closet makeover! In the meantime, here are a few kids’ closet storage ideas that may come in handy for you, as well as some before pics.


4th of July Weekend!

July 5, 2019

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July:) We hosted a family backyard bash this year potluck style. Everyone brought a dish, we played yard games, and lit up the sky with quite a fireworks series! It was a good option for our toddlers who are still find the noise of fireworks petrifying, and could watch from the safety of the living room windows.

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