4 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

April 5, 2018


My sister Jana and I have been brainstorming breakfast options that are both easy and delicious, but also gut healthy and energy boosting. I know, that’s a tall order! We hope these options will give you some go-tos for your weekly routine! A few are paleo and whole30 friendly as well.


Easter Weekend.

April 2, 2018


Family Travel: Isle of Palms, SC

March 28, 2018

Isle of Palms Rental Home

It’s been a really crazy year, and we scheduled this weekend away before we knew how much we would be needing it. Isle of Palms during March is so quiet and peaceful. I am still finding sand in random shoes and bags, and I would say traveling with little ones is no easy feat, but I don’t think I have ever seen my kids so happy. There is so much you can do in the city of Charleston, but all they wanted to do was explore the beach. We spent hours and hours there. The best part of this trip was getting to have time with my mom and dad. This is the first vacation we have done in a loooong time with just them! So here’s a little tour of this Isle of Palms vacation rental home, and a video of some of my favorite moments of this trip.


Walk-in Pantry Design

March 22, 2018

In case you missed the first pantry plan post, here is a quick re-cap! When we first moved into this home we knew we would have to figure out alternative pantry space. Our tiny pantry for a family wasn’t quite doing the job for our big family. We set up some temporary storage in the garage, but we realized our laundry room right off the kitchen would actually be the perfect walk in pantry size. Here are all of the before and after photos of our walk-in pantry design, as well as a little more about the process! Don’t worry, we still have a laundry room! We finished a space in the basement for that.


IHOD Mentorship Session Giveaway!

March 21, 2018

(Don’t worry, we will try to be serious during the mentorship session.)

Since I began blogging when I was a new mother, I always had a drive to try new things and chase different entrepreneurial ideas. I have been through quite a few different small business efforts and creative jobs since then. Some of you may remember… my accessory shop, my time as an art director for an online magazine, or The Brand Market workshops! They each lead me to something else, and I loved the experience of calling something my own. I just kept moving forward without taking the time to look back, because I knew if I took an honest look at the amount of hours I put into the business, or the risks I would need to take to get to the present, I would have been too scared to move forward.


Spring Capsule Pt. 1

March 16, 2018


Last summer, I tried my first capsule wardrobe, and what I came to conclude is that it was freeing! It saved me so much money, and really helped me become more intentional about adding pieces I really loved and could get good use out of to my wardrobe. Ultimately it gave me more peace stepping away from the culture of buy more, have more.

I wanted to share some items I am pulling back out of storage as the warmer temps arrive here in the south, as well as a few pieces I am adding to a spring capsule. I hope this can help stir up some ideas for your own capsule. 22 pieces seemed like a small amount to me last summer, and it turned out I could have gotten by with even less! Ten pieces is a great number to start with, and you can add in more as you see what you may need more of. This doesn’t include accessories, but I stay pretty minimal with those as well. Going to try really hard to show you all the complete capsule soon, but hopefully this can be a good starting point for you!


Organization Hack: P-Touch Cube.

March 14, 2018


This post is sponsored by Brother, and all opinions are my own.

One of the big goals I had this year was to get our house into a state of better organization. With many little ones, keeping things de-cluttered is a must. It helps my kids find what they need, and also keeps me sane in the process! I honestly could not believe how timely this P-touch Cube label maker came into play, and I can’t wait to show you a few ways we have used it to organize our lives over here!


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