Our favorite money saving apps and plugins.

March 13, 2018

(Gabe in a nutshell.)


We’ve tried out some different money saving plugins and apps over the last few years, and wanted to pass them along! They have really helped us save a good deal of money both personally and in business!


Weekend Finds: Wicker Bags

March 9, 2018

I really love this wicker bag trend because it reminds me of the style era of the 50’s. You can find some genuine vintage options on etsy, but there are several shops who have started to design their own as well. Although it isn’t as functional for me most days, I have used this circle straw bag from last year’s summer capsule more than I thought I would! Since I’ve gotten so many questions about this bag I thought I’d just do a round up for you of where I have spotted some really good ones. (Most of them for under $50!)


Going Clean: Morning + Night Skin Care Routine

March 8, 2018


As you know, I started “going clean” on everything in our house when Rocco was a baby after doing more research on the affects of chemicals in our products on our bodies. This is how I stumbled into Beautycounter. I wasn’t expecting to use clean ingredient products that I actually liked as much as my old favorites, but they ended up doing a much better job than any previous bottle of moisturizer I’ve ever tried (I have tried soooo. manyyyy.) More than anything I love their initiatives to fight for safer FDA regulations (see the recent Today Show segment), and the change they are advocating for in the beauty industry. I hope other brands follow suit! This week, Beautycounter is offering a FREE overnight resurfacing peel, cleansing balm, or charcoal mask with the purchase of a 4 pc skin care line! In addition to 10% off any skin care line. Quite a deal! So here’s a breakdown of my current skin routine + a free product offer!


Teaching kids to love art. (+ Joules Peter Rabbit Line!)

March 2, 2018

*This post is in partnership with Joules Clothing, and all words are my own.

My little ones have had a growing interest in art ever since they were babes. Each of them loves to explore different art techniques or just free drawing. I was an art teacher right out of college, and went on to teach art lessons here and there. I loved it so much, but never thought I’d get to use that experience on my children one day. We encourage their creativity in their interests, and I think the younger ones just want to do what the older ones are doing! They have many interests, but art remains one they dive into just about every day.


Raising Strong Willed Children.

February 28, 2018

Just a note on parenthood as we know it in hopes it can meet some of you where you are at….

Azelie turns 18 months this week, and our sweet quiet baby has suddenly turned seventeen. She already has shoe preferences, does not like to be told no, and will take a swat at you if you dare get her off the kitchen table.

While this would have shocked and horrified me with my first child, I am now….what’s the word….expectant of this behavior, and have come to accept that every one of my children was born with either my strong will or Gabe’s stubbornness. I know that their need to explore boundaries and the power of their free will takes over until oh, about 3 and a half to 4 and a half yrs old. The battles don’t end there, but they certainly wane and become at least a little more logical. So if you are in the middle of the daily tantrums, and public battles, please know you are amongst many other mothers fighting the same fight. Your child most likely doesn’t have something wrong with them, and is not possessed. (I say this with sarcasm, but believe me the thoughts have passed my mind.) No, they have the gift of a strong will. Speaking as someone with a strong will, it will be in their favor one day because it will give them a strong ground to stand on, and a will of iron to stand up for what they believe in if I can persevere in steering their energy the right way.

Psychological effects of room colors.

February 23, 2018


We have a couple home projects underway, and one of them is a multi-purpose room in our daylight basement.  Since we are going to be using the space for an office area, school desk area, and even a makeshift guest room when we need it, I started thinking about what I want the room to feel like for everyone who will use it. You have probably heard that paint colors can effect our psychology and emotions in different ways! For instance, colors can contribute to lifting our spirits, helping us feel calm, and even lower our blood pressure! My mother in law of Pillar Design works on dental office designs, and has told me how important it is for her to choose colors that can help patients relax. (Because raise your hand if you anxiety levels rise when walking into a dental office.) I find it fascinating, so I thought it would be fun to share a brief run down of the color spectrum and the psychological effects these paint colors can have.


Morning Power Hour Routine.

February 20, 2018



I used to be a morning person. Emphasis on used to be. I would wake up and practically leap out of bed. What on earth. Who leaps out of bed?! What is morning energy? Those days are long gone. Is it even possible to still have an effective morning routine despite the groggy head starts these days? After trying this power hour for a few months now, I am convinced it makes a night and day difference on my day.


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