Gabe and I are attempting a modified version of whole30 for the month (hesitant to even type those words!). Modified by not excluding dairy, and allowing grass fed butter and cheese here and there. We’ve made it 7 days and I am attempting to wean myself off of my beloved artificial coffee creamer. Our main motivation being more energy! We both have sweet tooths, but hate the way it makes us feel afterwards. I will probably cheat on whole30 with ice cream before the end of the month, but for now, watermelon and fruit helps curb that sugar craving!
These steak salads and watermelon sorbet combo is an easy dinner I just made us that filled us up pretty well. I made a side of rice pasta for the kids to have with the meat. The biggest challenge with Whole30 is finding meals that work for the whole family so this was one solution that worked!