Local Notes: Sugar Boo and Co.

January 16, 2014

White wooden floors and walls. That is all you need to know…
But I will tell you some other fun details about this incredible little storefront discovered by my friend Amarena.
She warned me that when I walk in I might just not be able to process all of the greatness. It was true….

Outside Sugar Boo and CoSugar Boo and Co } IHOD

Ampersand | Sugar Boo and Co

Sugar and Boo and Co } IHOD

sugar boo and co art

hanging planters } in honor of design linen tape } IHOD

Horse Busts | Sugar Boo and Co zinc letters | sugar boo and co

Hanging lights } Sugar Boo and Co Inside Sugar Boo and Co } IHOD

After breakfast at The Flying Buscuit (which is another story for another day), we escaped the rainy downpour and stepped into Wonderland….Sugar Boo and Co. Every nook and cranny was filled with whimsy and charm as they promise. You would think it was a store filled with local artist products, but we come to find out the majority is actually all designed and created by the one and only Sugar Boo Designs. Incredible.

From the textiles, to the stationary, children’s decor, animal busts, and that darling ampersand…..it put my heart at full speed pitter patter. So thankful to the very sweet gals behind this store for letting us share it with you all!

Head over to visit and take a look for yourself. I couldn’t show you everything because you will enjoy it more in person;)
804 Town Boulevard Suite 1070
Atlanta, Georgia 30319

Keep up with them on instagram or facebook!
Let me know how you like it! And if you can check out some other recent Local Notes features here.
x, Anna

Outfit details: Coat: c/o Sheinside (on sale) // Sweater: Old Navy (similar) // Jeans: c/o Articles of Society // Necklace: c/o Dear Margot // Socks: Shopbop // Boots: Hunter // Umbrella: Madewell

Recently Said.

January 15, 2014

In Honor of Design
Gabriel } IHOD
^^ It took all efforts of co-ordination for him to try to show us his new wink and point trick.^^

Welkin NYC } IHOD


I keep a written journal of things my children have been saying, what their newest milestone is, and reflections I go through as a mother. I hope they can read it one day and know just how much I love them no matter how stubborn they can be at times;)

Some recently said favorites…

Gabriel: Mom, I can’t feed Max. Only mom can feed Max.
Me: Yep, that is right.
Gabriel: You have bottles on your stomach. Gaber (he still talks in third person at times) doesn’t have bottles on his stomach, so I can’t feed him.
Me: Stunned and impressed silence.

Gabriel (currently 4yrs old): When I was 7, I went to Colorado and was small like a baby like Max.
Me: No sweetie, you have never been 7 before. You will be 7 after 5 and 6.
Gabriel: No mom, I was seven a while ago, you just don’t bremember.
Me: Okay sure.

Gabriel on Christmas Eve: Mommy, when I go to sleep is Santa Claus going to come on our roof?
Me: Maybe.. if you have been a good boy!
Gabriel: Is dad going to throw open the windows and tear open the sash?
Me: ….sounds familiar.

Gabriel: Veronica, if you don’t buckle your seatbelt, you will get boring. (Still trying to figure this one out…)

Veronica is all sass and facial expressions lately. I am starting to hear myself through her 2 year old high pitched voice…

Veronica: Mom, stop talkin’! You no say that to me! (With a serious scowled brow.)
Me: Mouth on the floor.

Veronica: Gaber! You no sharin’! You go in time out! (Shoes on backwards, hands on hips.)

Veronica: Baby Maaaa-aaax. Hi sweet girl!

Veronica: Gaber, look at my new dressed!
Gabriel: Wooowww, that is so beautiful Pookie! (He’s an affirmer.)

Just a few gems for the day.

And by the by, my super sweet friends started a new children’s line that you must check out. Their sneak peeks are killing me! You can keep up with their instagram fun here. Veronica INSISTS on wearing this shirt every. single. day. I have to wash it while she is sleeping. I make her wear dresses on Sunday, but other than that, I fight my battles elsewhere;)

x, Anna

Gabriel // Tee: Welkin NYC c/o //Jeans: Gap via Thred Up // Vest: Old Navy // Shoes: Gap (similar)
Veronica: Tee: Welkin NYC c/o // Leggings: Old Navy // Jacket: Old Navy // Shoes: Old Navy // Bow: Kinder Companie
Anna: Tee: Target (the softest most durable kind) // Jacket: F21 (similar) //Jeans: Henry and Belle c/o // Flats: Gap (similar)



Golden Globes One of a Kind Red Carpet Style

January 13, 2014

I go into award shoes with low expectations. I watch merely to see who is wearing what, and usually don’t watch the actual award show. However, The Golden Globes this year were thoroughly entertaining! Everything was humorous whether it was intended to be or not, and I think most people will agree that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler should host The Golden Globes every go around:)

There are always dress mishaps and unfortunate wardrobe malfunctions (poor Robin), but there were an equal share of women who chose didn’t let the gown they wore outshine their natural beauty. Instead of loud dresses and extreme opulence, the underlying tone this year was minimalism. I don’t think anyone even wore a statement necklace (besides Sofia Vergara).  Some of the best dressed stars were in simple cut black and white gowns and an occasional bold color. Case in point…

 (image source)

Bam! That is how you wow the red carpet! Cate Blanchett must have gotten wind of the fact she would be winning Best Actress. She was as regal as they come, so when she accepted her award, no one was distracted by what she wore, but rather it complimented the elegant glow she transmitted. Exactly what a dress should do! Thus, she is my pick for One of a Kind Red Carpet Style. Here are a few more black and white selections from the night…

black and white
image source)
Why Jennifer Lawrence chose a pixie cut on the cusp of Miley Madhouseness is beyond me, but she did look stunning, and was as genuine as we all hoped she would be. Some of my other favorite simple cut and stunning gowns included Lupita Nyong’o and Olivia Wilde (most radiant mother to be!). What about you? Who did you vote best dressed??

Well, I received a challenge to create a daytime look reflecting this year’s trends, and here is what I came with…

Contrast Panel Coat - IHOD

Black and White | IHOD

Contrast Panel Coat } In Honor of Design

Black and White - IHOD

Contrast Panel
Coat: c/o Sheinside // Skirt: Maple Boutique // Necklace: Gift (similar) // Boots: Sam Edelman //Clutch: (similar)
And in case you were googling where to find Meryl Streep’s amazing specs. Look no further. I did my homework. (Try here or here.)

Pulling from the simple cuts and black and white memo, I put together a look that most gals can relate to. Modern touch to the classic colors. Dressy enough for dinner and fun enough for a party, while maintaining a minimalist theme:) (I did the 5 Step Messy Twist for hair.) I can’t seem to step away from black and white this year despite my love for color. (In fact, Julie Bowen’s dress was not received well last night, but I loved it.) The good thing is, black and white forever and always will be stylish and the pieces you add to your wardrobe in these colors compliment all their lovely neighbors in the closet!
Would love to hear your favorite picks of the night!

x, Anna

P.S. Please tell me you saw the best moment of the night?

With a delicious One of a Kind taste and zero calories, Diet Dr Pepper is as unique as you are. Diet Dr Pepper celebrates originality. To check out more one of a kind stories, visit us at www.youtube.com/drpeppervideos.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Diet Dr Pepper via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Diet Dr Pepper.


The Portrait Project

January 10, 2014

Maximilian sibling love - IHOD

Eye Color Change
As I mentioned previously, this year will be about blogging more about what I am passionate about.
I am passionate about these three.
They push me to my limits and fill my heart to the brim.
They can cause an emotional pendulum swing in my heart on a daily basis.
They put into question my purpose on this earth and what is most important in our time here.
I sometimes am overwhelmed with gratitude to the point of tears for their little souls that are entrusted to me.

Max’s eyes are changing from blue to brown. They are crazy wild and I get sucked in so easily. We have stare downs whenever I feed him. Gabriel and Veronica fight over being near him. Watching their relationships grow has been one of my favorite parts of motherhood for me.

These three children of mine are my motivation to start a new series this year: The Portrait Project (also will be doing the 52 week project!) It will stretch my view behind the lens and allow me to document the people I love. Gabe will also be getting behind and in front of the lens as well as some additional special guests:)
I will be doing additional photos on instagram throughout the year as well. #PortraitProject

Feel free to join in if you like! It would be an honor to have you join me!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend ahead.
x, Anna


Winter Berry Pie

January 9, 2014

Today’s post is written by my sister Maria.
Over Christmas I spent a lot of time in the Kitchen. My family’s best moments are all around the dinner table over a good meal, and I find that the time and effort I put into the food we prepare is well worth the happy moments they contribute to. This is the pie we had for Christmas dinner, and can be made throughout the the season as a winter warmer:)

Winter Berry Pie

Winter Berry Pie | IHOD

Winter Berry Pie
9 inch two crust pie OR 1 box of ready made pie crust

4 cups of thinly sliced and peeled cooking apples
2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries.
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
2 Tbs. cold butter
Top Crust:
1 egg
1/2 Cup cream or milk
Heat oven to 425. Line pie dish with pastry. I usually take a fork and poke a few holes in the bottom of the crust. I don’t know why – I just learned that way…
For the Filling: 
In a large bowl, whisk sugars, flour and spices together. Add apples and cranberries and stir together to coat them well. Pour into pie crust. You can arrange fruit so it forms a higher mound at top. Cut 2 Tbs. of butter into small squares and dot over fruit filling.
Place top crust over pie (see perfect pie crust in 10 steps if using homemade crust).
For a pretty top crust, beat an egg with the milk and brush over the top of the pie crust. Sprinkle top with sugar. Make sure to cover edges of crust with foil or pie crust protector so the edges don’t over brown. You can remove the last 15 minutes of baking.
Bake in oven for 50-55 minutes or until juices are bubbling out top. (always a good sign).
Baking a fresh homemade pie is a lost art, takes time ,and isn’t something you do on a regular basis, but it will make any dinner or gathering extra special and memorable when you do! ~Maria

Local Notes: The Optimist

January 7, 2014

One of the best aspects of this Local Notes series is getting to experience my city. It has been a fun way to explore and look behind new doors. Luckily none have lead me down Alice’s rabbit hole, but rather, to beautiful spaces like The Optimist😉 I loved every detail of this Oyster Bar. The light fixtures, the mod corner seating, the open layout, and even the center kitchen bars in view. I cannot wait to come back to this place with Gabe and actually order something off the menu! They were kind enough to let us in before they opened so we got a preview of just how captivating this space can really be…

The Optimist ATL - IHOD 

Keys - The Optimist

Numbered Doors - The Optimist
^^Bathroom doors I were convinced would open to big wide powder rooms;) ^^

 The Optimist : In Honor of Design

IHOD | The OptimistThe Optimist Bar Atlanta - IHOD

I will have to get back to you on how the selection of food tastes, but I am guessing you can’t go wrong with hearth roasted Mahi Mahi or east coast oysters as options on the menu. I have developed a real bad hankering for sea food lately so it was a tease to be in there and not be able to order;)

Ready to book your date for the weekend? Or maybe hop on a plane to Atlanta to see this place? You will probably find me there looking up at the ceiling in wide eyed wonder because I can’t exactly get over their light fixtures…

You can check out The Optimist on facebook and twitter for updates on their upcoming events and specials:)

Cheers to trying new places in 2014!
x, Anna

*Photography by Chelsey Heidorn
Top: c/o Jigsaw London, Pants: ASOS, Shoes Zara (similar)

Simplicity. Making 2014 an Authentic Year.

January 3, 2014

A New Year

Veronica Rose

My typing fingers are rusty, and you know, that is a good thing.
I needed this blog/work/mind break more than I realized.
Over Christmas, I had time to be fully present to my family and to really dive into the beautiful silence that the Christmas season can bring. And yes, that may be an oxymoron considering when my entire family is under one roof, there is never a moment of silence, but really, my heart and mind were at rest. I spent a lot of time thinking about the silence of that first Christmas 2014 years ago, and I took so much comfort there.

The noise of this world and the fast paced rhythm the world often demands can leave us feeling insufficient, spiritually malnourished, and physically exhausted. I felt all of these over the past few months, but I was hustling because it is what I knew how to do. I hustle and make things happen. Even if my motivation was my family, I was getting worn thin. As you remember with this post and this post, I was sensing a turning point for this blog, but I wasn’t quite sure what.

This blog link up was actually really good timing for me. It forced me to think, and mull, and contemplate. We only have one 2014. One year, 365 days, that are made up of simple hours, moments, and CHOICES. I realized it comes down to the small choices I make that pile up to make the life we live in. I crave an authentic simple life for Gabe, the kids, and I where they know they can rest, feel loved, and thrive in. That is all we need in this life and the rest is excess. The rest is the allurement of what I think will make us happy. In reality, it is excess. (Thank you Jen Hatmaker and SEVEN for blowing that can wide open!) Okay I know. I am rambling. I can hear you murmuring behind your screens;) Get to the point Anna!

My word for 2014 is simplicity. Authentic, real, and raw simplicity. Facing my motherhood, my marriage, my creative jobs, and even how I dress with simplicity. Keeping it as honest as possible with myself, my friends, family, and all of you! I might be blogging less, simplifying my calendar and commitments, and continue to simplifying my closet! I know this will allow me to keep my heart in the right place and really take the present for what it was meant to be….a reflection of the great love God has for us.

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.” – Leo Tolstoy

Now its your turn! I can’t wait to read your word, goals, or reflections for the new year! Read on for the instructions and link up!

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