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We Are Coming to You! A Complete Room Makeover Giveaway

March 4, 2021

In Honor of Design - Gabe and Anna Liesemeyer

I could barely sleep last night because I have been so excited to announce this opportunity! We know it has been a tough year for so many people, and this is a way we can serve and give back. WE ARE GIVING AWAY A COMPLETE ROOM MAKEOVER! Not only that, but we are offering the option for us to come to you to install and set it up! (In a safely planned way.) We have been wanting to offer this opportunity for a long time as a way to give back to the wonderful IHOD community. We have received many requests over the years asking if we offer design help for other homes, so this is a way to make it happen for now! Read on for the details.


Colorful Shared Bedroom Plans for 3 Girls

February 25, 2021

bonus room

When we found this house at the last minute, we kept an open mind with what we could change to make it more functional for our family. Most homes with a “bonus room” are used as additional lounge space in the upstairs, but we will be converting the room into a colorful shared bedroom for the girls.


Going Green + Choosing the right swatches, color matching samples, and selecting the details.

August 6, 2019

Sources: Bed / Rug / Glass Vases / Throw / Crib / Dresser – Paint swatches on the top via Magnolia (a few I am considering!) and bottom via Coco Kelly.

I’ve been itching to do a room design that incorporates some deep olive green paint, but wasn’t sure if we could swing it in our own home. Now that we are moving rooms around though, an opportunity opened up to re-design a bedroom. I am going to share the process from start to finish, so first things first….paint colors! Finding the right shades of green paint, color matching paint samples, testing paint in your space, and choosing what finish to use…


The best place to find classic art prints…

April 17, 2019

It can take a lot of time to find good art at an accessible price point. I like the hunt of finding an old painting, but it can often takes months and months to find pieces that work together. I have found some incredible art pieces just by browsing local thrift shops, antique markets, estate sales, and garage sales. This is where you can find originals at a fraction of the cost. We started Maris Home as a source for the best classic and vintage art. I wanted to take the guesswork out of curating art, and offer bundle sets ready to hang.


How our family uses essential oils.

July 9, 2018


I’ve gotten so many requests on how our family uses essential oils, but never took the time to write it out! Finally sharing how we use them for our family on a daily and seasonal basis. There are few regulations here in the U.S. on what is allowed to be manufactured and sold in our common household and personal care products Therefore, I started a while ago to be my own health care advocate for myself and my children. Not everything is in our control, but cutting out toxins and chemicals in our lives certainly improves the quality of it. With the recent release of the study confirming the connection between Formaldehyde to Leukemia, I am convicted now more than ever of this. We need safer FDA regulations, but until then I have to actively read labels, and understand what certain ingredients mean. Formaldehyde was found in products I trusted, and it is disguised under different names. When I find companies I can trust that are committed to clean labels and transparency, I stick with them! A few being Seventh Generation, Honest, Beautycounter, Follain, Young Living, etc. Since I keep receiving requests on how I use essential oils for our family, I went ahead and wrote out this post of ways I have integrated them over the past 5 years. If you have any questions please let me know!

Why are essential oils effective?

This is something I didn’t really get when I first started using them so it was hard to find the motivation to actually use them consistently. Essential oils are the lifeblood of a plant that can be found in a plant’s flower, stem, leaves, bark, or fruit. What is fascinating is that they can reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when topically applied! They can transport nutrients, are powerful antioxidants, help support cellular regeneration, digestive, nervous, and immune systems, and can even purify the air. These oils are highly concentrated and complex which deliver the human body the purest and best parts of the earth we live on. It does matter where you buy your oils from since many that are sold on amazon or wal-mart have been diluted. DoTerra or YoungLiving are the two I know of that have the purest and most concentrated oils which will give you more for your money. (We use Young Living.)

There are a million and one ways to use oils, but finding simple routines that work for you and your family is what will help incorporate those healthier lifestyle changes. I was overwhelmed at first and the oils sat in my cabinet for a year until I started reading about ways that didn’t seem as intimidating to try. I hope this post proves to be the same for you!

Anniversary Look Options. (Quick vote!)

June 21, 2018


I’m definitely at a point in life where I no longer have time to shop for myself. There seems to always be at least 23 other important things that need to happen in a week, and taking time to go browse racks at stores doesn’t quite fit into the priority list. I do still appreciate style though, and realize the importance of getting dressed and feeling your best. When I first tried Trunk Club, it honestly felt like a sigh of relief. It takes away the hours of in store (or online) shopping, and gives you the opportunity to try several different looks from your own home. Gabe and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary next week (that feels so weird to type out), and we also have a summer wedding to attend. I wanted to avoid the hours of shopping in stores and online, so Trunk Club to the rescue. Here are a few looks that came in my trunk, and would a quick vote at the bottom for your favorite look!


How to Apply Removable Wallpaper + Sources

June 13, 2018

Over the weekend, we painted the girls’ room, and prepped it for a oh deer! removable wallpaper mural I’ve been so anxious to get up. I was totally positive going into it that I could do it on my own, and in two hours flat. I have installed it before in our old dining room. However, we learned a few things. One of them being that not all removable wallpaper applies the same. (Insert sarcastic laugh.) Read on for a few tips for applying removable wallpaper + the before and after!

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